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Problem with precompute and append in parallel computing

Here is a parallel computation involving precompute and append:

sage: L=[]
sage: @cached_function
....: def function(i):
....:     print([i])
....:     L.append(i)
sage: function.precompute(range(10),num_processes=2)

The problem is that the list L is still empty, the action L.append(i) was not done as expected.

sage: L

How to solve this problem?

Problem with precompute and append in parallel computing

Here is a parallel computation involving precompute and append:

sage: L=[]
sage: @cached_function
....: def function(i):
....:     print([i])
....:     L.append(i)
sage: function.precompute(range(10),num_processes=2)

The problem is that the list L is still empty, empty at the end, the action L.append(i) was not done as expected.globally.

sage: L

How to solve this problem?

Problem with precompute and append in parallel computing

Here is a parallel computation involving precompute and append:

sage: L=[]
sage: @cached_function
....: def function(i):
....:     L.append(i)
....:     print(L)
sage: function.precompute(range(10),num_processes=2)

The problem is that the list L is still empty at the end, the action L.append(i) was not done globally.globally, whereas the list L is global.

sage: L

How to solve this problem?

Problem with precompute and append in parallel computing

Here is a parallel computation involving precompute and append:

sage: L=[]
sage: @cached_function
....: def function(i):
....:     L.append(i)
....:     print(L)
sage: function.precompute(range(10),num_processes=2)

The problem is that the list L is still empty at the end, the action L.append(i) was not done globally, whereas the list L is global.

sage: L

How to solve this problem?