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Finding absolute values of roots of polynomials with Sage

Given a monic integer polynomial $p(x)$ in one variable $x$. Is it possible using Sage to obtain all absolute values of the roots of $p(x)$ in a list?

Or at least all absolute values of roots that have absolute value at most 2, if there general case is not possible and one needs a (small) bound.

In my work there appear polynomials with large degree up to 40-50 so Im not sure whether such a thing is quickly possible for nowadays computers. But a solution would also be interesting even when it works only for degrees up to 20 or so.

Finding absolute values of roots of polynomials with Sage

Given a monic integer polynomial $p(x)$ in one variable $x$. Is it possible using Sage to obtain all absolute values of the roots of $p(x)$ in a list?

Or (Or at least all absolute values of roots that have absolute value (say) at most 2, if there general case is not possible and one needs a (small) bound.bound.)

In my work there appear polynomials with large degree up to 40-50 so Im not sure whether such a thing is quickly possible for nowadays computers. But a solution would also be interesting even when it works only for degrees up to 20 or so.

Finding absolute values of roots of polynomials with Sage

Given a monic integer polynomial $p(x)$ in one variable $x$. Is it possible using Sage to obtain all absolute values of the roots of $p(x)$ in a list?

(Or at least all absolute values of roots that have absolute value (say) at most 2, if there general case is not possible and one needs a (small) bound.)

In my work there appear polynomials with large degree up to 40-50 so Im not sure whether such a thing is quickly possible for nowadays computers. But a solution would also be interesting even when it works only for degrees up to 20 or so.

The solution should give the correct answer for the absolute value of the roots for 5 or 6 decimal places.