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Sagemath not evaluating complicated expression

I'm working with Sagemath for an in-depth project for the first time. I'm experiencing what I perceive to be some very strange behavior and I'm totally stumped on resolving it. I have a class that is encoding some geometric objects. It includes the following:

def __init__(self, A, B, C):
    self.A = A
    self.B = B
    self.C = C
    if A != 0: = -conjugate(B)
        self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(^2 - C))
    elif A == 0: = None
        self.radius = None

This works perfectly fine for relatively simple inputs. The strange thing is that when and/or C get sufficiently complicated, I get an error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-f3d291115bf1> in <module>()
      2 print(c1)
      3 m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
----> 4 cccc = m1.imageCircle(c1)
      5 print(cccc)

<ipython-input-33-df6c59aba5fd> in imageCircle(self, circle)
     52         print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))
---> 54         return Circle(newA, newB, newC)
     56 class Circle:

<ipython-input-33-df6c59aba5fd> in __init__(self, A, B, C)
     64         if A != Integer(0):
     65    = -conjugate(B)
---> 66             self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(**Integer(2) - C))
     67         elif A == Integer(0):
     68    = None

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/other.pyc in sqrt(x, *args, **kwds)
    869             return sqrt(x)
    870         try:
--> 871             return x.sqrt(*args, **kwds)
    872         # The following includes TypeError to catch cases where sqrt
    873         # is called with a "prec" keyword, for example, but the sqrt

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in     sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.sqrt (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:44675)()
   8075         """
   8076         return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent,
-> 8077                 g_hold2_wrapper(g_power_construct, self._gobj, g_ex1_2, hold))
   8079     def sin(self, hold=False):

RuntimeError: unsupported type in numeric::lcm

The error occurs when it's trying to initialize a the class with

A, B, C, = 1/2*abs(sqrt(16) - I - 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I - 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16),1/2*I*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + 7*I/sqrt(16),1/2*abs(sqrt(16) + I + 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16)

If I (by hand) initialize the class with these values of A, B, and C, it works just fine. If, on the other hand, I use the "imagecircle" method that I've written (which is implemented as follows. prints are there for debugging), it fails, despite the fact that the A, B, and C given by the imagecircle method are exactly as above.

def imageCircle(self, circle):
    """Return the image of circle under self."""
    A, B, C = circle.A, circle.B, circle.C
    cA, cB, cC = conjugate(A), conjugate(B), conjugate(C)
    a, b, c, d = self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d
    ca, cb, cc, cd = conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(c), conjugate(d)

    newA = A*abs(d)^2 - cc*d*B - c*cd*cB + C*abs(c)^2
    newB = -A*cb*d + ca*d*B + cb*c*cB - ca*c*C
    newC = A*abs(b)^2 - ca*b*B - a*cb*cB + abs(a)^2*C
    print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))

    return Circle(newA, newB, newC) #leads to error when running __init__ in class Circle

Sagemath not evaluating complicated expression

I'm working with Sagemath for an in-depth project for the first time. I'm experiencing what I perceive to be some very strange behavior and I'm totally stumped on resolving it. I have a class that is encoding some geometric objects.

It includes the following:

def __init__(self, A, B, C):
    self.A = A
    self.B = B
    self.C = C
    if A != 0: = -conjugate(B)
        self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(^2 - C))
    elif A == 0: = None
        self.radius = None

This works perfectly fine for relatively simple inputs. The strange thing is that when and/or C get sufficiently complicated, I get an error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-34-f3d291115bf1> <ipython-input-11-4e5b3134f826> in <module>()
      1 c1 = circle(I+Integer(1),Integer(4))
      2 print(c1)
      3 m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
----> 3 c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)
      4 cccc = m1.imageCircle(c1)
      5 print(cccc)

<ipython-input-33-df6c59aba5fd> print(c2)

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in imageCircle(self, circle)
     52 70         print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))
     53 71 
---> 54 72         return Circle(newA, newB, newC)
     56 class Circle:

<ipython-input-33-df6c59aba5fd> 73 
     74 def circle(center, radius):

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in __init__(self, A, B, C)
     64  9         if A != Integer(0):
     65 10    = -conjugate(B)
---> 66 11             self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(**Integer(2) - C))
     67 12         elif A == Integer(0):
     68 13    = None

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/other.pyc in sqrt(x, *args, **kwds)
    869             return sqrt(x)
    870         try:
--> 871             return x.sqrt(*args, **kwds)
    872         # The following includes TypeError to catch cases where sqrt
    873         # is called with a "prec" keyword, for example, but the sqrt

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in  sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.sqrt (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:44675)()
   8075         """
   8076         return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent,
-> 8077                 g_hold2_wrapper(g_power_construct, self._gobj, g_ex1_2, hold))
   8079     def sin(self, hold=False):

RuntimeError: unsupported type in numeric::lcm

The error occurs when it's trying to initialize a the class with

A, B, C, = 1/2*abs(sqrt(16) - I - 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I - 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16),1/2*I*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + 7*I/sqrt(16),1/2*abs(sqrt(16) + I + 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16)

If I (by hand) initialize the class with these values of A, B, and C, it works just fine. If, on the other hand, I use the "imagecircle" method that I've written (which is implemented as follows. prints are there for debugging), it fails, despite the fact that the A, B, and C given by the imagecircle method are exactly as above.above. Here is code that if run, gives the error:

class Circle:
    """Unified line and circle class. If A=0,
        then this represents a line."""

    def __init__(self, A, B, C):
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.C = C
        if A != 0:
   = -conjugate(B)
            self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(^2 - C))
        elif A == 0:
   = None
            self.radius = None
    def isCircle(self):
        """Am I a geometric circle in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A != 0

    def isLine(self):
        """Am I a geometric line in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A == 0

    def mobToRealLine(self):
        if self.isCircle():
            """return the Mobius that takes self to the real line. It takes z0+r to 0, and z0 +- Ir to +-1"""
            z0 =
            r = self.radius
            a = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2)
            b = -1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2) * (r+z0)
            c = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2)
            d = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2) * (r-z0)
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        if self.isLine() and imag(self.B) != 0: #This takes iC/2Im(B), 1/2 +- I(ReB + ImC)/(2ImB) to 0, +-1
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            a = (1-I) / sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            b = -( (1/2+I/2)*C*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) ) ) / ( conjugate(B) )
            c = 0
            d = (1/2+I/2)*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        else:#Vertical line case x=x0
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            x0 = -C/(2*B)
            a = -sqrt(2)/2 + I*sqrt(2)/2
            b = (sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2)*x0
            c = 0
            d = -sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)

class Mobius:
    """Mobius transformation class"""
    def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
        self.a   = a
        self.b   = b
        self.c   = c
        self.d   = d
        self.matrix = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    def imageCircle(self, circle):
circle):#This seems broken for a vertical line...
        """Return the image of circle under self."""
     A, B, C = circle.A, circle.B, circle.C
     cA, cB, cC = conjugate(A), conjugate(B), conjugate(C)
     a, b, c, d = self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d
     ca, cb, cc, cd = conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(c), conjugate(d)

     newA = A*abs(d)^2 - cc*d*B - c*cd*cB + C*abs(c)^2
     newB = -A*cb*d + ca*d*B + cb*c*cB - ca*c*C
     newC = A*abs(b)^2 - ca*b*B - a*cb*cB + abs(a)^2*C
     print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))

     return Circle(newA, newB, newC) #leads to error when running __init__ in class Circle

def circle(center, radius):
    """returns Circle(A,B,C) with appropriate A, B, C (for simplicity of use)"""
    A = 1
    B = -conjugate(center)
    C = abs(center)^2 - radius^2
    return Circle(A,B,C)

c1 = circle(I+1,4)
m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)

Sagemath not evaluating complicated expression

I'm working with Sagemath for an in-depth project for the first time. I'm experiencing what I perceive to be some very strange behavior and I'm totally stumped on resolving it. I have a class that is encoding some geometric objects.

It works perfectly fine for relatively simple inputs. The strange thing is that when and/or C get sufficiently complicated, I get an error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-4e5b3134f826> in <module>()
      1 c1 = circle(I+Integer(1),Integer(4))
      2 m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
----> 3 c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)
      4 print(c2)

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in imageCircle(self, circle)
     70         print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))
---> 72         return Circle(newA, newB, newC)
     74 def circle(center, radius):

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in __init__(self, A, B, C)
      9         if A != Integer(0):
     10    = -conjugate(B)
---> 11             self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(**Integer(2) - C))
     12         elif A == Integer(0):
     13    = None

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/other.pyc in sqrt(x, *args, **kwds)
    869             return sqrt(x)
    870         try:
--> 871             return x.sqrt(*args, **kwds)
    872         # The following includes TypeError to catch cases where sqrt
    873         # is called with a "prec" keyword, for example, but the sqrt

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.sqrt (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:44675)()
   8075         """
   8076         return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent,
-> 8077                 g_hold2_wrapper(g_power_construct, self._gobj, g_ex1_2, hold))
   8079     def sin(self, hold=False):

RuntimeError: unsupported type in numeric::lcm

The error occurs when it's trying to initialize a the class with

A, B, C, = 1/2*abs(sqrt(16) - I - 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I - 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16),1/2*I*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + 7*I/sqrt(16),1/2*abs(sqrt(16) + I + 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16)

If I (by hand) initialize the class with these values of A, B, and C, it works just fine. If, on the other hand, I use the "imagecircle" method that I've written (which is implemented as follows. prints are there for debugging), it fails, despite the fact that the A, B, and C given by the imagecircle method are exactly as above. Here is code that if run, gives the error:

class Circle:
    """Unified line and circle class. If A=0,
        then this represents a line."""

    def __init__(self, A, B, C):
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.C = C
        if A != 0:
   = -conjugate(B)
            self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(^2 - C))
        elif A == 0:
   = None
            self.radius = None
    def isCircle(self):
        """Am I a geometric circle in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A != 0

    def isLine(self):
        """Am I a geometric line in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A == 0

    def mobToRealLine(self):
        if self.isCircle():
            """return the Mobius that takes self to the real line. It takes z0+r to 0, and z0 +- Ir to +-1"""
            z0 =
            r = self.radius
            a = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2)
            b = -1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2) * (r+z0)
            c = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2)
            d = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2) * (r-z0)
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        if self.isLine() and imag(self.B) != 0: #This takes iC/2Im(B), 1/2 +- I(ReB + ImC)/(2ImB) to 0, +-1
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            a = (1-I) / sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            b = -( (1/2+I/2)*C*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) ) ) / ( conjugate(B) )
            c = 0
            d = (1/2+I/2)*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        else:#Vertical line case x=x0
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            x0 = -C/(2*B)
            a = -sqrt(2)/2 + I*sqrt(2)/2
            b = (sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2)*x0
            c = 0
            d = -sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)

class Mobius:
    """Mobius transformation class"""
    def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
        self.a   = a
        self.b   = b
        self.c   = c
        self.d   = d
        self.matrix = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    def imageCircle(self, circle):#This seems broken for a vertical line...
        """Return the image of circle under self."""
        A, B, C = circle.A, circle.B, circle.C
        cA, cB, cC = conjugate(A), conjugate(B), conjugate(C)
        a, b, c, d = self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d
        ca, cb, cc, cd = conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(c), conjugate(d)

        newA = A*abs(d)^2 - cc*d*B - c*cd*cB + C*abs(c)^2
        newB = -A*cb*d + ca*d*B + cb*c*cB - ca*c*C
        newC = A*abs(b)^2 - ca*b*B - a*cb*cB + abs(a)^2*C
        print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))

        return Circle(newA, newB, newC)

def circle(center, radius):
    """returns Circle(A,B,C) with appropriate A, B, C (for simplicity of use)"""
    A = 1
    B = -conjugate(center)
    C = abs(center)^2 - radius^2
    return Circle(A,B,C)

c1 = circle(I+1,4)
m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)

Sagemath not evaluating complicated expression

I'm working with Sagemath for an in-depth project for the first time. I'm experiencing what I perceive to be some very strange behavior and I'm totally stumped on resolving it. I have a class that is encoding some geometric objects.

It works perfectly fine for relatively simple inputs. The strange thing is that when and/or C get sufficiently complicated, I get an error:

RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-4e5b3134f826> in <module>()
      1 c1 = circle(I+Integer(1),Integer(4))
      2 m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
----> 3 c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)
      4 print(c2)

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in imageCircle(self, circle)
     70         print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))
---> 72         return Circle(newA, newB, newC)
     74 def circle(center, radius):

<ipython-input-8-5610dc2742b9> in __init__(self, A, B, C)
      9         if A != Integer(0):
     10    = -conjugate(B)
---> 11             self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(**Integer(2) - C))
     12         elif A == Integer(0):
     13    = None

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/functions/other.pyc in sqrt(x, *args, **kwds)
    869             return sqrt(x)
    870         try:
--> 871             return x.sqrt(*args, **kwds)
    872         # The following includes TypeError to catch cases where sqrt
    873         # is called with a "prec" keyword, for example, but the sqrt

/Applications/SageMath/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/symbolic/expression.pyx in sage.symbolic.expression.Expression.sqrt (build/cythonized/sage/symbolic/expression.cpp:44675)()
   8075         """
   8076         return new_Expression_from_GEx(self._parent,
-> 8077                 g_hold2_wrapper(g_power_construct, self._gobj, g_ex1_2, hold))
   8079     def sin(self, hold=False):

RuntimeError: unsupported type in numeric::lcm

The error occurs when it's trying to initialize a the class with

A, B, C, = 1/2*abs(sqrt(16) - I - 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I - 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16),1/2*I*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I - 1)/sqrt(16) + 7*I/sqrt(16),1/2*abs(sqrt(16) + I + 1)^2/sqrt(16) + (1/2*I - 1/2)*(sqrt(16) + I + 1)/sqrt(16) - (1/2*I + 1/2)*(sqrt(16) - I + 1)/sqrt(16) - 7/sqrt(16)

If I (by hand) initialize the class with these values of A, B, and C, it works just fine. If, on the other hand, I use the "imagecircle" method that I've written (which is implemented as follows. prints are there for debugging), it fails, despite the fact that the A, B, and C given by the imagecircle method are exactly as above. Here is code that if run, gives the error:

class Circle:
    """Unified line and circle class. If A=0,
        then this represents a line."""

    def __init__(self, A, B, C):
        self.A = A
        self.B = B
        self.C = C
        if A != 0:
   = -conjugate(B)
            self.radius = abs(sqrt(abs(^2 - C))
        elif A == 0:
   = None
            self.radius = None
    def isCircle(self):
        """Am I a geometric circle in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A != 0

    def isLine(self):
        """Am I a geometric line in the complex plane?"""
        return self.A == 0

    def mobToRealLine(self):
        if self.isCircle():
            """return the Mobius that takes self to the real line. It takes z0+r to 0, and z0 +- Ir to +-1"""
            z0 =
            r = self.radius
            a = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2)
            b = -1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 - I/2) * (r+z0)
            c = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2)
            d = 1/sqrt(r) * (1/2 + I/2) * (r-z0)
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        if self.isLine() and imag(self.B) != 0: #This takes iC/2Im(B), 1/2 +- I(ReB + ImC)/(2ImB) to 0, +-1
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            a = (1-I) / sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            b = -( (1/2+I/2)*C*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) ) ) / ( conjugate(B) )
            c = 0
            d = (1/2+I/2)*sqrt( conjugate(B)/imag(B) )
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)
        else:#Vertical line case x=x0
            B, C = self.B, self.C
            x0 = -C/(2*B)
            a = -sqrt(2)/2 + I*sqrt(2)/2
            b = (sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2)*x0
            c = 0
            d = -sqrt(2)/2 - I*sqrt(2)/2
            return Mobius(a,b,c,d)

class Mobius:
    """Mobius transformation class"""
    def __init__(self, a, b, c, d):
        self.a   = a
        self.b   = b
        self.c   = c
        self.d   = d
        self.matrix = Matrix([[a,b],[c,d]])

    def imageCircle(self, circle):#This seems broken for a vertical line...
        """Return the image of circle under self."""
        A, B, C = circle.A, circle.B, circle.C
        cA, cB, cC = conjugate(A), conjugate(B), conjugate(C)
        a, b, c, d = self.a, self.b, self.c, self.d
        ca, cb, cc, cd = conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(c), conjugate(d)

        newA = A*abs(d)^2 - cc*d*B - c*cd*cB + C*abs(c)^2
        newB = -A*cb*d + ca*d*B + cb*c*cB - ca*c*C
        newC = A*abs(b)^2 - ca*b*B - a*cb*cB + abs(a)^2*C
        print("new A, B, C = {}, {}, {}".format(newA, newB, newC))

        return Circle(newA, newB, newC)

def circle(center, radius):
    """returns Circle(A,B,C) with appropriate A, B, C (for simplicity of use)"""
    A = 1
    B = -conjugate(center)
    C = abs(center)^2 - radius^2
    return Circle(A,B,C)

c1 = circle(I+1,4)
m1 = c1.mobToRealLine()
c2 = m1.imageCircle(c1)