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show all view with same x size of Hanoi's Towers


I did this little program to visualize all Hanoi's Towers steps in Jupyter Notebook sagemath 8.4 ,W10. why my x-axis is not always the same width size in each view? figsize=[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax] does not seem to work. how can I manage to get the same x length for each graph ?

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click to hide/show revision 2

show all view with same x size of Hanoi's Towers


I did this little program to visualize all Hanoi's Towers steps in Jupyter Notebook sagemath 8.4 ,W10. why my x-axis is not always the same width size in each view? figsize=[figSizeXmax,figSizeYmax] does not seem to work. how can I manage to get the same x length for each graph ?

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