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/sage: line 334: path/sage-ipython: Permission denied

I get an error like this one when I try to start sage.

/sage: line 334: path/sage-ipython: Permission denied

It does start (with related errors), however, when I run

$ sudo sage

I might need help providing the right details, but here goes:

    usrname$ sage
│ Sage Version 6.5, Release Date: 2015-02-17                         │
│ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        │
│ Type "help()" for help.                                            │
/Users/usrname/sage/src/bin/sage: line 334: /Users/usrname/sage/src/bin/sage-ipython: Permission denied
/Users/usrname/sage/src/bin/sage: line 334: exec: /Users/usrname/sage/src/bin/sage-ipython: cannot execute: Undefined error: 0

I get a different error using sudo.

usrname:~ usrname$ sudo sage
sys:1: RuntimeWarning: not adding directory '' to sys.path since it's not owned by a trusted user.
Untrusted users could put files in this directory which might then be imported by your Python code. As a general precaution from similar exploits, you should not execute Python code from this directory
│ Sage Version 6.5, Release Date: 2015-02-17                         │
│ Type "notebook()" for the browser-based notebook interface.        │
│ Type "help()" for help.                                            │
sage: quit()
Exiting Sage (CPU time 0m0.19s, Wall time 3m1.92s).

I also tried it with sage in


Same problems.

and I also tried installing the (in Applications), but this failed as well (Error 500, presumably for the same reasons as the above errors)

The permissions in my home folder install are

usrname (ME) read and write, staff Read only, everyone Read only

My /Applications folder additionally has (this motivated me to try it in the home folder)

system read and write

I have checked that I'm using the right sage install by using for my sage command

sudo ln -s ~/sage/sage /usr/local/bin/sage

and checking that I was not overriding this with something else in my path. Also,

usrname:sage usrname$ which sage