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checking isomorphism for weighted biparitite graph

Hi, guys, I am working on a problem involving checking if two weighted bipartite graphs are isomorphic. I saw I can define a weighted graph in sage like this:

sage: X = Matrix([(0,0,1,1),(0,0,1,2),(0,1,1,0)]) sage: XX = BipartiteGraph(X,weighted=True) sage: Y = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,0)]) sage: YY = BipartiteGraph(Y,weighted=True) sage: W = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,2,0)]) sage: WW = BipartiteGraph(Z,weighted=True)

I swaped rows and columns of matrix defining X to get Y, so Y is isomorphic to X, But since my graphs are weighted, I changed one element in Y from 1 to 2 to get W, yet it still tell me XX and WW are isomorphic

sage: YY.is_isomorphic(XX) True sage: ZZ.is_isomorphic(XX) True

Is there other functions I can use to check isomprphic for weighted bipartite graph?

checking isomorphism for weighted biparitite graph

Hi, guys, I am working on a problem involving checking if two weighted bipartite graphs are isomorphic. I saw I can define a weighted graph in sage like this:

sage: X = Matrix([(0,0,1,1),(0,0,1,2),(0,1,1,0)]) Matrix([(0,0,1,1),(0,0,1,2),(0,1,1,0)])
sage: XX = BipartiteGraph(X,weighted=True) BipartiteGraph(X,weighted=True)
sage: Y = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,0)]) Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,0)])
sage: YY = BipartiteGraph(Y,weighted=True) BipartiteGraph(Y,weighted=True)
sage: W = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,2,0)]) Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,2,0)])
sage: WW = BipartiteGraph(Z,weighted=True)BipartiteGraph(Z,weighted=True)

I swaped rows and columns of matrix defining X to get Y, so Y is isomorphic to X, But since my graphs are weighted, I changed one element in Y from 1 to 2 to get W, yet it still tell me XX and WW are isomorphic

sage: YY.is_isomorphic(XX) True YY.is_isomorphic(XX)
sage: ZZ.is_isomorphic(XX) TrueZZ.is_isomorphic(XX)

Is there other functions I can use to check isomprphic for weighted bipartite graph?

checking isomorphism for weighted biparitite bipartite graph

Hi, guys, I am working on a problem involving checking if two weighted bipartite graphs are isomorphic. I saw I can define a weighted graph in sage like this:

sage: X = Matrix([(0,0,1,1),(0,0,1,2),(0,1,1,0)]) 
Matrix([(0,0,1,1),(0,0,1,2),(0,1,1,0)]) sage: XX = BipartiteGraph(X,weighted=True)
BipartiteGraph(X,weighted=True) sage: Y = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,0)])
Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,1,0)]) sage: YY = BipartiteGraph(Y,weighted=True)
BipartiteGraph(Y,weighted=True) sage: W = Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,2,0)])
Matrix([(1,0,2,0),(1,0,0,1),(1,0,2,0)]) sage: WW = BipartiteGraph(Z,weighted=True)


I swaped swapped rows and columns of matrix defining X to get Y, so Y is isomorphic to X, But since my graphs are weighted, I changed one element in Y from 1 to 2 to get W, yet it still tell me XX and WW are isomorphic

sage: YY.is_isomorphic(XX) 
sage: ZZ.is_isomorphic(XX)


Is Are there other functions I can use to check isomprphic isomorphism for weighted bipartite graph?