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The first time you do


and you use that value, and at the end you do

pi=Polyhedron(list(tetraHedronDic.values()) , base_ring=QQ)

So the second time you run the same code from top to bottom, pi is going to refer to a polyhedron instead of a number, causing the error message you quoted.

So use a different name for your polyhedron.

The first time you do


and you use that value, and at the end you do

pi=Polyhedron(list(tetraHedronDic.values()) , base_ring=QQ)

So the second time you run the same code from top to bottom, pi is going to refer to a polyhedron instead of a number, causing the error message you quoted.

So use a different name for your polyhedron.

In general, when code doesn't work if you run it twice, chances are you accidentally overwrote some global name that was used the first time around.