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I assume you want to construct boolean lattice. If so, it defined in Sage's Catalog of posets and lattices:

posets.BooleanLattice(p, use_subsets=True)

I assume you want to construct boolean lattice. If so, it it's defined in Sage's Catalog of posets and lattices:

posets.BooleanLattice(p, use_subsets=True)

I assume you want to construct boolean lattice. If so, it's defined in Sage's Catalog of posets and lattices:

posets.BooleanLattice(p, use_subsets=True)

ADDED. A subposet can be constructed as

B = posets.BooleanLattice(p, use_subsets=True)
B.subposet(t for t in B if sum(t)==p)