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The double question mark will show the code of f:

sage: f??
Signature: f(x)
def f(x):
    return R(x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188))
File:      ~/sage/9.3.develop/<ipython-input-2-567a043781c3>
Type:      function

Note that Sage's preparser has turned x^3-x+188 into x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188).

The double question mark will show the code of f:

sage: f??
Signature: f(x)
def f(x):
    return R(x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188))
File:      ~/sage/9.3.develop/<ipython-input-2-567a043781c3>
Type:      function

Note that Sage's preparser has turned x^3-x+188 into x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188).

EDIT: the above does not answer to the question: it's a quick way to recall the definition of f but it does not allow to edit it. See @tmontiel answer for this.

The double question mark will show the code of f:

sage: f??
Signature: f(x)
def f(x):
    return R(x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188))
File:      ~/sage/9.3.develop/<ipython-input-2-567a043781c3>
Type:      function

Note that Sage's preparser has turned x^3-x+188 into x**Integer(3)-x+Integer(188).

EDIT: the above does not answer to the question: it's a quick way to recall the definition of f but it does not allow to edit it. See @tmontiel @tmonteil 's answer for this.