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Often, i also want to search the source code for some specific "notion", in the present case it is threejs`, and the following search request may be helpful (or at least the begin of search path...)


(Note that sage provides also search_doc and search_def...)

Then a long list of case insensitive occurences for the string threejs is given. Sometimes we get lines involving threejs as a substing of the name of a function or method, sometimes as part of a doc string, sometimes as the name of the viewer, sometimes a substring of a file path, et caetera...

At any rate, the corresponding mentioned modules have some (name) connection with threejs...


To have a first impression of what is delivered, here are the first few lines from the output:

sage: search_src('threejs')'THREEJS_DIR',                   join(SAGE_SHARE, 'threejs'))
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneJmol, OutputSceneWavefront, OutputSceneThreejs,
repl/rich_output/        elif isinstance(rich_output, OutputSceneThreejs):
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_offline_scripts(self):
repl/rich_output/            sage: backend.threejs_offline_scripts()
repl/rich_output/        from sage.env import THREEJS_DIR
repl/rich_output/            os.path.join(THREEJS_DIR, script)
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneJmol, OutputSceneThreejs,
repl/rich_output/        elif isinstance(rich_output, OutputSceneThreejs):
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_offline_scripts(self):
repl/rich_output/            sage: backend.threejs_offline_scripts()
repl/rich_output/            '...<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/build/three.min...<\\/script>...'
repl/rich_output/        CDN_scripts = get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=True)
repl/rich_output/<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/build/three.min.js"></script>
repl/rich_output/<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
repl/rich_output/ OutputSceneThreejs(OutputBase):
repl/rich_output/            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneThreejs
repl/rich_output/            sage: OutputSceneThreejs('<html></html>')
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneThreejs container
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_scripts(self, online):
repl/rich_output/            sage: get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=True)
repl/rich_output/            sage: get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=False)
repl/rich_output/            offline threejs graphics
repl/rich_output/            with open(os.path.join(sage.env.THREEJS_DIR, 'build', 'three.min.js')) as f:

and so on... Any extension of the today graphical features is welcome!

Often, i also want to search the source code for some specific "notion", in the present case it is threejs`, threejs, and the following search request may be helpful (or at least the begin of search path...)


(Note that sage provides also search_doc and search_def...)

Then a long list of case insensitive occurences for the string threejs is given. Sometimes we get lines involving threejs as a substing of the name of a function or method, sometimes as part of a doc string, sometimes as the name of the viewer, sometimes a substring of a file path, et caetera...

At any rate, the corresponding mentioned modules have some (name) connection with threejs...


To have a first impression of what is delivered, here are the first few lines from the output:

sage: search_src('threejs')'THREEJS_DIR',                   join(SAGE_SHARE, 'threejs'))
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneJmol, OutputSceneWavefront, OutputSceneThreejs,
repl/rich_output/        elif isinstance(rich_output, OutputSceneThreejs):
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_offline_scripts(self):
repl/rich_output/            sage: backend.threejs_offline_scripts()
repl/rich_output/        from sage.env import THREEJS_DIR
repl/rich_output/            os.path.join(THREEJS_DIR, script)
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneJmol, OutputSceneThreejs,
repl/rich_output/        elif isinstance(rich_output, OutputSceneThreejs):
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_offline_scripts(self):
repl/rich_output/            sage: backend.threejs_offline_scripts()
repl/rich_output/            '...<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/build/three.min...<\\/script>...'
repl/rich_output/        CDN_scripts = get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=True)
repl/rich_output/<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/build/three.min.js"></script>
repl/rich_output/<script src="/nbextensions/threejs/examples/js/controls/OrbitControls.js"></script>
repl/rich_output/ OutputSceneThreejs(OutputBase):
repl/rich_output/            sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.output_catalog import OutputSceneThreejs
repl/rich_output/            sage: OutputSceneThreejs('<html></html>')
repl/rich_output/            OutputSceneThreejs container
repl/rich_output/    def threejs_scripts(self, online):
repl/rich_output/            sage: get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=True)
repl/rich_output/            sage: get_display_manager().threejs_scripts(online=False)
repl/rich_output/            offline threejs graphics
repl/rich_output/            with open(os.path.join(sage.env.THREEJS_DIR, 'build', 'three.min.js')) as f:

and so on... Any extension of the today graphical features is welcome!