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It looks like this is a problem in the markdown processor for the standard Jupyter notebook server (so for sage, it's an upstream bug). The jupyter notebook server in cocalc is a custom one. The problem seems to be that the markdown for a single bold character doesn't get processed right if there are further bold markers: in **a** and **b** the "middle" if there's another such string. The same thing seems to happen with italics, so *a* and *b* and *c* and *d* and *e* gets misrendered as (italics) a* and *b (roman) and (italics) c* and *d (roman) and (italics) e. This should definitely be reported (to jupyter). In the mean time, the workaround would be to avoid bolding single characters ... In this case, you can just spell it out as **three**, which is recommended english style anyway.