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I'm trying to create something more like the command \SI{number}{units} of siunitx package but I have some trouble.

Starting with the answer of @Juanjo I'm arrived here:

def SIsage(number,units=0):
    if units==0: 
        if number in ZZ or number.parent()==QQ:
            return r"\SI{"+ str(number) + "}"
            return r"\SI{"+ str(float(number)) + "}"
        if number in ZZ or number.parent()==QQ:
            return r"\SI{"+ str(number) + "}" +"{"+ units + "}"
            return r"\SI{"+ str(float(number)) + "}" +"{"+ units + "}"

and it works except when using \newton witch it become "ewton" problably cause to \n

After this I want to create a new custom LaTeX command that replace \SI{}{} but I have some trouble with non-default arguments. I didn't understand how them work. I want be able to use both of \SI{number}{units} that \SI{number} without units. Probably the best choise is to create two different commands(?)

\newcommand{\SISAGE}[2]{\SIsage_number{#2}\SIsage_units{#1})} #doesn't work

The command I want:


So my problems are:

  1. how to avoid \n
  2. how to set an unic custom command \SISAGE

Thanks everybody