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As you can see on the Sage buildbot, there was doctest failures on the two Fedora machines :

One of them show a memory error, so we hav to wait that the maintainer of this buildbot fixes the machine.

As you can see on the Sage buildbot, there was doctest failures on the two Fedora machines :

One of them show a memory error, so we hav to wait that the maintainer of this buildbot fixes the machine.

By the way, note that building from source is actually pretty easy.

As you can see on the Sage buildbot, there was doctest failures on the two Fedora machines :

One of them show a memory error, error ()i did not check the other but it is probably similar), so we hav have to wait that the maintainer of this buildbot machine fixes the

By the way, note that building from source is actually pretty easy.

Also, a simple search lead me to that shows some 8.2 builds.

As you can see on the Sage buildbot, there was doctest failures on the two Fedora machines :

One of them show a memory error ()i did not check the other but it is probably similar), so we have to wait that the maintainer of this machine fixes it.

By the way, note that building from source is actually pretty easy.

Also, a simple search lead led me to that shows some 8.2 builds.