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You can define the RealBallField (that uses Arb as backend) with:

sage: R = RealBallField()

Then you can use some Arb functions as methods of R:

sage: R.pi()
[3.141592653589793 +/- 5.61e-16]

You can define the RealBallField (that uses Arb as backend) with:

sage: R = RealBallField()

Then you can use some Arb functions as methods of R:

sage: R.pi()
[3.141592653589793 +/- 5.61e-16]

You can read more on the documentation for the real ball field and the complex ball field.

You can define the RealBallField (that uses Arb as backend) with:

sage: R = RealBallField()

Then you can use some Arb functions as methods of R:

sage: R.pi()
[3.141592653589793 +/- 5.61e-16]

You can read more on the documentation for the real ball field and the complex ball field.

[edit] Basic algebraic operations:

sage: x = R.pi()
sage: y = R.euler_constant()
sage: x + y
[3.718808318491326 +/- 6.85e-16]
sage: x * y
[1.813376492391603 +/- 9.04e-16]