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I reproduce here the answer I got from Travis Scrimshaw on the mailing list sage-combinat devel.

First method

sage: S3 = SymmetricGroup(3)
sage: SGA = GroupAlgebra(S3, QQ)
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(QQ,2)
sage: mtx = [MS([[0,-1],[1,-1]]), MS([[1,-1],[0,-1]])]
sage: f = lambda x:[i-1] for i in x.reduced_word())
sage: phi = SGA.module_morphism(f, codomain=MS)

Where the -1 is needed because of indexing. Now you can check:

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: phi(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Second method An alternative method is to build a group morphism and then build the associate algebra morphism. There is a subtle issue as there is currently no method to express an element of a finite group in terms of generators. In particular, a morphism can not be built by providing only the image of the generators.

sage: MG = MatrixGroup(mtx)    # take some time because it launches GAP
sage: H = Hom(S3, MG)
sage: psi = H(lambda x: for i in x.reduced_word()))
sage: kappa = SGA.module_morphism(lambda x: MS(psi(x)), codomain=MS)

You can again check

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: kappa(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Alternative to the second method The following shows how in general, given a finite group, one may express a given element in terms of generators using the Cayley graph:

sage: G = S3.cayley_graph(generators=S3.gens())
sage: path = G.shortest_path(, prod(S3.gens())); path
[(), (1,2,3), (2,3)]
sage: labels = [G.edge_label(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(len(path)-1)]; labels
[(1,2,3), (1,2)]
sage: map(lambda x: list(S3.gens()).index(x), labels)
[0, 1]


I reproduce here the answer I got from Travis Scrimshaw on the mailing list sage-combinat devel.

First method

sage: S3 = SymmetricGroup(3)
sage: SGA = GroupAlgebra(S3, QQ)
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(QQ,2)
sage: mtx = [MS([[0,-1],[1,-1]]), MS([[1,-1],[0,-1]])]
sage: f = lambda x:[i-1] for i in x.reduced_word())
sage: phi = SGA.module_morphism(f, codomain=MS)

Where the -1 is needed because of indexing. Now you can check:

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: phi(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Second method An alternative method is to build a group morphism and then build the associate algebra morphism. There is a subtle issue as there is currently no method to express an element of a finite group in terms of generators. In particular, a morphism can not be built by providing only the image of the generators.

sage: MG = MatrixGroup(mtx)    # take some time because it launches GAP
sage: H = Hom(S3, MG)
sage: psi = H(lambda x: for i in x.reduced_word()))
sage: kappa = SGA.module_morphism(lambda x: MS(psi(x)), codomain=MS)

You can again check

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: kappa(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Alternative to the second method The following shows how in general, given a finite group, one may express a given element in terms of generators using the Cayley graph:

sage: G = S3.cayley_graph(generators=S3.gens())
sage: path = G.shortest_path(, prod(S3.gens())); path
[(), (1,2,3), (2,3)]
sage: labels = [G.edge_label(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(len(path)-1)]; labels
[(1,2,3), (1,2)]
sage: map(lambda x: list(S3.gens()).index(x), labels)
[0, 1]


I reproduce here the answer I got from Travis Scrimshaw on the mailing list sage-combinat devel.devel.

First method

sage: S3 = SymmetricGroup(3)
sage: SGA = GroupAlgebra(S3, QQ)
sage: MS = MatrixSpace(QQ,2)
sage: mtx = [MS([[0,-1],[1,-1]]), MS([[1,-1],[0,-1]])]
sage: f = lambda x:[i-1] for i in x.reduced_word())
sage: phi = SGA.module_morphism(f, codomain=MS)

Where the -1 is needed because of indexing. Now you can check:

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: phi(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Second method An alternative method is to build a group morphism and then build the associate algebra morphism. There is a subtle issue as there is currently no method to express an element of a finite group in terms of generators. In particular, a morphism can not be built by providing only the image of the generators.

sage: MG = MatrixGroup(mtx)    # take some time because it launches GAP
sage: H = Hom(S3, MG)
sage: psi = H(lambda x: for i in x.reduced_word()))
sage: kappa = SGA.module_morphism(lambda x: MS(psi(x)), codomain=MS)

You can again check

sage: elt = SGA.gen(0) + SGA.gen(1); elt
(1,2) + (1,2,3)
sage: kappa(elt)
[-1 -1]
[ 0  0]

Alternative to the second method The following shows how in general, given a finite group, one may express a given element in terms of generators using the Cayley graph:

sage: G = S3.cayley_graph(generators=S3.gens())
sage: path = G.shortest_path(, prod(S3.gens())); path
[(), (1,2,3), (2,3)]
sage: labels = [G.edge_label(path[i], path[i+1]) for i in range(len(path)-1)]; labels
[(1,2,3), (1,2)]
sage: map(lambda x: list(S3.gens()).index(x), labels)
[0, 1]