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Obtaining the free distributive lattice in sage

Is there a way to obtain the free distributive lattice on $n$ generators with sage( empty joins and empty meets are disallowed would be preferable, but the other case is also fine)? See . Im especially interested in the case n=4, where this lattice would have 166 points.

Obtaining the free distributive lattice in sage

Is there a way to obtain the free distributive lattice on $n$ generators with sage( empty joins and empty meets are disallowed would be preferable, but the other case is also fine)? See . Im especially interested in the case n=4, where this lattice would have 166 points.

Obtaining the free distributive lattice in sageSage

Is there a way to obtain the free distributive lattice on $n$ generators with sage( empty Sage (empty joins and empty meets are disallowed would be preferable, preferable, but the other case is also fine)? fine)? See . Im

I'm especially interested in the case n=4, $n = 4$, where this lattice would have 166 $166$ points.