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epimetheus's profile - karma

epimetheus's karma change log

10 0 fails to start on macOS 10.14.6 ( 2021-05-31 18:32:52 +0200 )

10 0 su2 matrix exponentiation ( 2018-08-22 22:10:44 +0200 )

10 0 su2 matrix exponentiation ( 2018-08-22 20:47:48 +0200 )

0 -10 integrate x^3/(exp(x)-1) between 0 and infinity ( 2017-06-09 20:34:14 +0200 )

10 0 integrate x^3/(exp(x)-1) between 0 and infinity ( 2017-06-09 20:34:05 +0200 )