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2024-05-13 17:31:31 +0200 commented answer Generating Gabidulin codes

MRD codes is a buliding block for the constant dimension code. Now, we have express the MRD codes with polymial How to

2024-05-13 17:28:39 +0200 commented answer Generating Gabidulin codes

MRD codes is a buliding block for the constant dimension code. Now, we have express the MRD codes with polymial How to

2024-05-13 17:26:46 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-07-09 11:13:15 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2023-05-26 15:19:39 +0200 edited answer Generating Gabidulin codes

It seems that I have solved the problem by myself. If possible, please help me check this code and see if it can generat

2023-05-22 17:52:17 +0200 edited answer Generating Gabidulin codes

Thank you very much for your code and guidance. I try to generalize the generating code by adding the third parameter d

2023-05-22 17:45:55 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2023-05-22 17:45:55 +0200 edited answer Generating Gabidulin codes

Thank you very much for your code and guidance. I tried to generalize the generating code by adding the third parameter

2023-05-21 09:42:22 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2023-05-20 21:56:44 +0200 answered a question Generating Gabidulin codes

am very grateful for your reply, which almost completely solved my problem. In fact, the MRD code has a third parameter

2023-05-19 11:04:44 +0200 asked a question zz pex,Polvnomial 7z EX obiect has no attribute full simplify

zz pex,Polvnomial 7z EX obiect has no attribute full simplify Hi, I saw an algorithm in the paper<<an algorithm=""

2023-05-19 11:04:43 +0200 asked a question Generating Gabidulin codes

I saw an algorithm in the paper<>that can be used to generate MRD codes. Then I try and run the gab_yz(2,2), the e