2024-01-19 06:13:11 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2022-12-29 14:03:41 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2022-01-13 00:11:39 +0100 | received badge | ● Supporter (source) |
2022-01-13 00:11:36 +0100 | commented answer | SageMath plot: Axis label only partly in LaTeX style. Why? Thanks a lot -- this works like a charm. I was not aware of this trick: to concatenate the string for the label from sev |
2022-01-11 12:21:15 +0100 | asked a question | SageMath plot: Axis label only partly in LaTeX style. Why? SageMath plot: Axis label only partly in LaTeX style. Why? For bigger scripts it makes sense to define functions outside |
2022-01-10 19:33:14 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Question (source) |
2022-01-10 16:39:44 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Question (source) |
2022-01-10 03:44:01 +0100 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2022-01-10 03:37:55 +0100 | asked a question | Sage interact: Label of slider control is cutted Sage interact: Label of slider control is cutted 1) When the label of a slider control is longer than ca. 15 characters, |