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keshav's profile - karma

keshav's karma change log

10 0 Sagemath calling Python 2.7 even though I have 3.8.8 installed. ( 2021-08-28 17:26:40 +0200 )

2 0 Sagemath calling Python 2.7 even though I have 3.8.8 installed. ( 2021-08-27 19:49:16 +0200 )

0 -2 Sagemath calling Python 2.7 even though I have 3.8.8 installed. ( 2021-08-27 19:49:03 +0200 )

2 0 Sagemath calling Python 2.7 even though I have 3.8.8 installed. ( 2021-08-27 19:49:02 +0200 )