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Boyko_Bu's profile - activity

2023-07-31 19:41:25 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-07-31 19:41:25 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-12-30 10:47:50 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-12-16 11:01:40 +0100 commented answer Simplify_full() and collect() together

You can fume as much as you want, OR, you can imagine do I feel losing A WHOLE DAY working with software that CANNOT REC

2022-12-15 18:19:46 +0100 commented answer Simplify_full() and collect() together

Yeah, probably, I updated, I am copying manually from Jupyter to here, not simple, let me know if now works, I can't see

2022-12-15 18:18:13 +0100 edited question Simplify_full() and collect() together

Simplify_full() and collect() together Dear all, I am a novice with sagemath, and I use only a very small subset of its

2022-12-15 15:41:17 +0100 commented question Simplify_full() and collect() together

I meant the former, I corrected

2022-12-15 15:40:56 +0100 edited question Simplify_full() and collect() together

Simplify_full() and collect() together Dear all, I am a novice with sagemath, and I use only a very small subset of its

2022-12-15 11:11:41 +0100 edited question Simplify_full() and collect() together

Simplify_full() and collect() together Dear all, I am a novice with sagemath, and I use only a very small subset of its

2022-12-15 11:11:12 +0100 edited question Simplify_full() and collect() together

Simplify_full() and collect() together Dear all, I am a novice with sagemath, and I use only a very small subset of its

2022-12-15 11:06:06 +0100 asked a question Simplify_full() and collect() together

Simplify_full() and collect() together Dear all, I am a novice with sagemath, and I use only a very small subset of its

2022-10-23 01:10:21 +0100 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2022-10-06 15:19:44 +0100 commented answer Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable

ok, so basically the [i] refers to the ith element of the list? Thanks a lot btw!

2022-10-06 10:13:18 +0100 answered a question Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable

Ok, I randomly tried this: c_prof = solve(DPi_R_D_R_AI == 0,c)[1].rhs() And it works! Can I ask you, then, why is it

2022-10-06 10:09:14 +0100 edited question Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable

Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable Hi everyone, I am quite new to Sagemath, and I have the

2022-10-06 10:08:46 +0100 asked a question Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable

Storing the positive solution only of a quadratic in a variable Hi everyone, I am quite new to Sagemath, and I have the

2022-03-05 18:04:07 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-06-24 14:16:17 +0100 commented answer Error: unsupported operand type for ^ or pow(): 'list' and 'int' (Newbie)

Really!? Well, thanks!!!

2021-06-24 13:36:44 +0100 asked a question Error: unsupported operand type for ^ or pow(): 'list' and 'int' (Newbie)

Error: unsupported operand type for ^ or pow(): 'list' and 'int' (Newbie) Hi all, I want to do a very simple thing: dis

2021-06-08 15:09:06 +0100 commented answer Beginner problem solving equations.

Hi guys, I am so noob that the forum doesn't even allow me to accept my own answer!

2021-06-08 15:08:34 +0100 received badge  Editor (source)
2021-06-08 15:08:34 +0100 edited answer Beginner problem solving equations.

Ok I see, I'm not using the parenthesis on the method, hence it doesn't work, and .rhs()tells to Sage exactly that it ha

2021-06-08 15:08:03 +0100 commented question Beginner problem solving equations.

Exactly, thank you!

2021-06-08 13:03:32 +0100 received badge  Self-Learner (source)
2021-06-08 13:03:32 +0100 received badge  Teacher (source)
2021-06-08 13:03:30 +0100 received badge  Student (source)
2021-06-08 13:00:22 +0100 answered a question Beginner problem solving equations.

Ok I see, I'm not using the parenthesis on the method, hence it doesn't work, and .rhs()tells to Sage exactly that it ha

2021-06-08 12:56:29 +0100 asked a question Beginner problem solving equations.

Beginner problem solving equations. Dear all, This is my second day on Sagemath! I don't understand what I'm doing wro