2024-09-01 13:34:00 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2024-09-01 13:34:00 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2021-05-25 20:51:26 +0100 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2021-05-25 20:51:26 +0100 | edited question | "Curve" function error: 'list' object is not callable "Curve" function error: 'list' object is not callable Hello! I am trying to work with the curve constructor (particular |
2021-05-25 20:50:23 +0100 | asked a question | "Curve" function error: 'list' object is not callable "Curve" function error: 'list' object is not callable Hello! I am trying to work with the curve constructor (particular |
2021-04-26 23:54:04 +0100 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2021-04-26 08:25:58 +0100 | asked a question | How to work with points in GF(p**2) for a prime p How to work with points in GF(p**2) for a prime p I'm constructing elliptic curves over fields of size $p^{2}$ for some |