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2024-03-11 08:54:28 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2024-03-11 08:54:28 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-03-11 08:54:27 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-03-18 00:34:00 +0100 received badge  Student (source)
2021-03-17 19:23:57 +0100 asked a question Testing the code

Testing the code Hi. I was told that one can use sage -t to test some code. When I used the code, I got the

2021-03-17 10:00:19 +0100 commented answer How to make a list hashable

Yeah, Thank you very much. One more question: how I can find a list of [i] whose product of matrices are positive ? I m

2021-03-16 21:24:10 +0100 commented answer How to make a list hashable

@John Plamieri : Thank you for your answer. That is good, but I want a list that contains list of matrices correspondi

2021-03-16 21:05:35 +0100 asked a question How to make a list hashable

How to make a list hashable Hi. I want to overcome the following problem. I know that the list is not hashable, but I wa

2021-03-16 20:48:17 +0100 commented answer Finding positive matrices

Thank you for your comment!

2021-03-15 20:17:13 +0100 asked a question Finding positive matrices

Finding positive matrices Hi. I am new in Sage, so please accept my apologies if my question is basic. Let $L=[A1,A2,A

2021-03-01 18:51:34 +0100 commented question Test sage code

@john Palmieri Thanks! what do you mean by "path"?

2021-03-01 18:35:42 +0100 commented question Test sage code

Thanks! what do you mean by "path"?

2021-03-01 18:11:34 +0100 commented question Test sage code

Hi Ortonllj, Iam looking for a code " sage -t" that checks the code. I don't know what the code is.

2021-03-01 15:42:09 +0100 asked a question Test sage code

Test sage code Hi, I want to test my code to see whether it is correct. I googled and I find out there is a code " sage

2020-12-23 10:35:59 +0100 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-12-23 00:16:23 +0100 asked a question infinite if inside a loop

I want to define a function that checks if a member of a set is another then print "well".

Let me explain it it the following example:

Assume that Z = Compositions(17, min_part=4).list(), L is some set and f is some function.

How I can write a function such that if f(a), where a is a member of Z, was in L, then that is "well"?

My attempt:

for i in in srange(len(Z)):
    for j in srange(i):
       if f(Z[i][j]) in L:

I don't know how to finish it because I just know finite if, else, not more.