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2020-07-30 11:53:05 +0100 received badge  Scholar (source)
2020-07-30 11:52:59 +0100 commented answer Composite function: how to show function names instead of its full expression?

It does the trick, but it's a bit frustrating that there is not a more natural way to this. It is a very important feature when you are dealing with long expressions. But thank you very much anyway!

2020-07-28 12:11:25 +0100 received badge  Student (source)
2020-07-28 03:51:54 +0100 asked a question Composite function: how to show function names instead of its full expression?

Suppose I define a function f(x) = x**2 and a function g(y) = f(y) + 2*y.

When I type show(g) the output is: y**2 +2*y.

What should I do to have the show output as f(y) + 2*y instead?