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2023-01-10 11:11:18 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-08-27 09:31:56 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2022-08-27 09:31:56 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2022-06-05 06:12:00 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2021-11-11 15:39:18 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2021-03-10 02:40:14 +0100 commented answer Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value?

Thank you very much. Forgot to say I'm new to sage math. Fascinating it is. I didn't knew it can be converted to a polyn

2021-03-10 02:35:39 +0100 edited question Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value?

Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value? Hi, I alrea

2021-03-10 02:34:03 +0100 marked best answer Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value?

Hi, I already found out how to generate an elliptic curve in a finite field in sagemath. How to get its oder, an element and some more. E.g.

E = EllipticCurve(GF(43),[2,8]);

But is there a way to check if the EC contains a point with a given x-coordinate?

(which returns a point including the y-coordinate as well)

Or as alternative a function which searches for a point closest to a given x value.

(For small EC I could just search among all elements but target usage is an EC with very high order)

2021-03-10 00:11:08 +0100 asked a question Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value?

Is there a way to check if a given Elliptic-curve in a finite field has an element with a certain $x$ value? Hi, I alrea

2021-01-24 04:07:26 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-12-04 04:33:15 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-10-30 06:16:07 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2020-10-30 06:16:07 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-04-20 17:17:06 +0100 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2019-11-26 01:06:12 +0100 received badge  Supporter (source)
2019-11-26 01:05:50 +0100 commented question How to solve an equation over finite field for exponent variable?

@Emmanuel Charpentier in target use case all variables except $n$ are know and can be replaced by their values. $v=g^n \mod P$ could be solved with

P = 11
g = Mod(2,P); 
v = 5
n=discrete_log(v, g)

But as you wrote it would be polynomial ring

2019-11-25 10:45:51 +0100 received badge  Student (source)
2019-11-25 09:46:22 +0100 commented question How to solve an equation over finite field for exponent variable?

@Emmanuel Charpentier thanks for response again. I did some disc. log. computing before but only stuff like $v=g^n$. The problem is something like $v =a\cdot g^n+b\cdot h^n $ or worse. Will have some closer look but so far found nothing about such equations in linked pdf (or earlier with google). However my target prime is much smaller than those used in cryptography but still too big to compute all solutions. So if it can be reduced to a normal dis. log problem it would be easy to solve.

2019-11-25 04:25:03 +0100 asked a question How to solve an equation over finite field for exponent variable?

I want to resolve the following equation for exponent $n$ for given value $v$:
$$ v\equiv(r\cdot ((b+r)^n- (b-r)^n)) \cdot (2 \cdot r \cdot ((b+r)^{n-1}- (b-r)^{n-1}))^{-1} \mod P$$
$$r^2 = 4\cdot a+b^2 \mod P$$ and a prime $P$
Looking for a function $f(v) = n$.

The values $a,b$ are chosen in that way that for $n=[1,..,P]$ the results $v$ will be all values in ${{0,..,P-1 }\brace{ }}=\mathbb{F}_P $. That works iff there is no such root $r$ in $\mathbb{F}_P$ exists for $a, b$. If both parts in formula above are expanded only $r^2$ is left over.

$P=11; a=5; b=3 -> r^2=7$

[ r*((b+r)^n-(b-r)^n)/ (2* r*((b+r)^(n-1)-(b-r)^(n-1)) )  for n in R.base() if n>1]

 (-5*b^2 + 2*r^2)/(-3*b),
 (-3*b^3 - 3*b*r^2)/(b^2 + 4*r^2),
 (-b^4 - 2*b^2*r^2 + 2*r^4)/(5*b^3 + 5*b*r^2),
 (b^5 - 4*b^3*r^2 + b*r^4)/(-2*b^4 - 4*b^2*r^2 + 4*r^4),
 (3*b^6 + 4*b^4*r^2 - 2*b^2*r^4 + 2*r^6)/(2*b^5 + 3*b^3*r^2 + 2*b*r^4),
 (5*b^7 + 2*b^5*r^2 + 2*b^3*r^4 + 5*b*r^6)/(-5*b^6 - 3*b^4*r^2 - 4*b^2*r^4 + 4*r^6),
 (-4*b^8 + 3*b^6*r^2 - b^4*r^4 - 5*b^2*r^6 + 2*r^8)/(-b^7 + 4*b^5*r^2 + 4*b^3*r^4 - b*r^6),
 (-2*b^9 - 2*b^7*r^2 - 2*b^5*r^4 - 2*b^3*r^6 - 2*b*r^8)/(3*b^8 - 5*b^6*r^2 - 2*b^4*r^4 + b^2*r^6 + 4*r^8)]

in values: $0, 3 , 1 , 8 , 5 , 4 , 7 ,10 , 9 , 6 , 2 , 0 , 3 , 1 , ...$

There is some special case for $n=1$. With this the part which need to be inverted is $0$. In that case $v$ is assigned to 0.

As a alternative form without any root $r$ (for $n>2$): $$v\equiv \frac{2 \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor} {n-1\choose 2k-1} b^{n-2k}(r^2)^{k} }{4\cdot \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor (n-1)/2 \rfloor} {n-2 \choose 2k- 1} b^{n-2k-1} (r^2)^{k } } \mod P$$

in sagemath:

a,b,r,v,k,n=var('a b r v k n')
 (sum( 2*binomial(n-1, 2*k-1) * b^(n-2*k)*(4*a+b^2)^(k)  , k,1,floor( n/2) ))*(sum(4* binomial(n-2, 2*k-1) * b^(n-2*k-1)*(4*a+b^2)^(k)  , k,1, floor( (n-1)/2) ))^(-1)-v

But only got it working with normal variables.

How can I solve such equation in sagemath?

(2*k-8).roots(); #multiplication works
(2^k-8).roots(); #power not working

($a,b,r^2$ can be exchanged with current values)

2019-11-21 14:52:50 +0100 commented answer How to solve an equation over finite field?

That only works with equations which have only one variable, right? ($k$ in example)

2019-11-21 13:41:43 +0100 asked a question How to solve an equation over finite field?

I would like to solve an equation like

solve( ((k^2)%17)==8,k)


R = GF(17)

or as math equation: $k^2 \equiv 8 \mod 17$
This would be true for e.g. $k=5$
If I use the solve function above in sagemath I get an empty result $[]$ for first and 'self must be a numeric expression' for second.

How can I solve such equation?

2019-11-21 13:39:35 +0100 commented answer How to find a short form of recursive defined sequences?

ty, very informative pdf

2019-11-21 13:39:03 +0100 received badge  Editor (source)
2019-11-20 23:35:27 +0100 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-11-20 17:55:19 +0100 asked a question How to find a short form of recursive defined sequences?

Hi, I'm new to sagemath.
Is there any way to so calculate/solve/find a short version of a recursive defined sequence?

E.g. I have a sequence like: (Fibonacci)

def f(n):                            
        if n == 0:  
                return 0  
        if n == 1:  
                return 1
        if n == 2:
                return 1
                return f(n-1)+f(n-2)

How can I compute a short form of $f_n$?

In this example case $f_n$ would be:
$f_n=\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} (\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2})^n - \frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} (\frac{1-\sqrt{5}}{2})^n$

Edit: Thanks to Emmanuel I found how to solve those equations in pdf:

from sympy import Function,rsolve  
from import n  
u = Function('u')  
f = u(n-1)+u(n-2)-u(n)  
rsolve(f, u(n), {u(0):0,u(1):1})  

-sqrt(5)*(1/2 - sqrt(5)/2)**n/5 + sqrt(5)*(1/2 + sqrt(5)/2)**n/5