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2022-07-08 20:30:31 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2020-05-24 09:11:24 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-05-20 11:35:19 +0200 commented answer Problem with implicit_plot

Thank you, @Sébastien. I think what we're seeing is just a more contrived version of this: . Your latest experiments also point in this direction. I also did some experiments on my side, please see the original post for the code and a brief summary. I'm also accepting this answer because it provided a solid explanation as to why every method fails. Specially the last comment showing the instability.

2020-05-19 23:18:13 +0200 commented answer Problem with implicit_plot

Thanks for your reply! The polynomials are not irreducible and contain the 6 vertical lines x=19,20,21,22,23,24. I've added two lines in the original code to get rid of them. From what you wrote it seems like the issue goes all the way down to the "roots" algorithm. I gather this method relies on "Brent's method", which requires some kind of regularity from the function. Presumably these polynomials don't satisfy the required hypotheses. I will try to see if manually implementing some other root finding algorithms could help.

2020-05-19 10:15:44 +0200 commented question Problem with implicit_plot

@Sébastien exactly. These three polynomials should define nice graphs passing through said points.This must be the case because for each fixed value of x there can be at most 31 values of y in the plot. These vary continuously as x does, so there's just no way it looks as the plot suggests. In my case this is very clear for x<10, where the plot looks well. The issue happens further away from the origin.

2020-05-19 00:42:34 +0200 commented question Problem with implicit_plot

I added the code, @tmonteil

2020-05-19 00:41:55 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2020-05-18 13:31:04 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2020-05-18 13:13:16 +0200 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2020-05-18 09:30:23 +0200 asked a question Problem with implicit_plot

I have three huge degree 31 bivariate polynomials (20,000 characters long each) I want to plot, but I keep getting a lot of noise in my plot. I can't upload it, but the point is that in some regions I just get colorful noise. I've tried defining the polynomials over RealField(n) and increasing the number of plot_points, but neither of these approaches work. Any ideas on how to work around this? Thanks.

Edit: Tried using sympy's plot_implicit and it's so (SO!) slow. Then used numpy's contour_plot and it's fast, but has the same problem as sage.

Here's the code that produces the polynomials and plot. Be patient as it could be a bit slow (depending on your machine).

plot = Graphics()
m = 32-1
D = [(i,j) for i in range(0,m+1) for j in range(0,m+1) if i+j<m+1]

P = Polyhedron( vertices= [(0, 0), (32, 44), (23, 0), (10, 14), (2, 3)] )
points = P.integral_points()

plot_pts = point(points, rgbcolor=(0, 0, 0), size = 20).plot()
plot_np = P.plot(fill = False, point=False, line='black')

M = matrix(ZZ, len(points), len(D), 0)

for row_num, row in enumerate(points):
    for col_num, column in enumerate(D):
        i, j = row
        a, b= column
        #Matrix for interpolation:
        M[row_num, col_num] = (i^a)*(j^b) 

R = PolynomialRing(QQ, 2, 'xy') 
S = PolynomialRing(RealField(500), 2, 'uv') 
x, y = R.gens()       
u, v = S.gens() 
K = M.right_kernel() 
Kdim = K.dimension() 
if Kdim > 0: 
     for l in range(Kdim): 
        K_basis = K.basis()[l] 
        #Writing the interpolating polynomial 
        for order, bidegree in enumerate(D): 
            a, b = bidegree 
            f += list(K_basis)[order] * u^a * v^b 
        F = f.factor()
        f = F[6][0]

        cols = ['red', 'blue', 'green'] 
        interpolation = implicit_plot(f, (u,-1,34), (v,-1,45), plot_points=100, color=cols[l]) 
        plot += interpolation 
plot += plot_pts + plot_np

Edit 2: Using the mpmath library in Python and with the aid of Sébastien's code below I wrote a routine that allows us to control the root finding method and precision of our computations. I tried several methods, secant (default), newton, hailley, mnewton, etc. without success. Changing the precision and tolerance of the root finding function from mpmath didn't help either. I think this polynomial just behaves too wildly in the region of the plot.

Here's the code and relevant documentation for the "mpmath.findroot" function: :

from sympy import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpmath as mp

mp.dps = 100
stepx = 0.1
stepy = 0.5
xrange = np.arange(7.5,12.5, stepx)
yrange = np.arange(0, 5, stepy)

def plot_roots_of_f(f):
    L = []
    for u in xrange:
        for v in yrange:
            Root = mp.findroot(f.eval({x:u}),v, method = 'mnewton', tol = E-60, verbose=False,verify=False)
    return plt.plot(*zip(*L),linestyle='None', marker='.')

2019-10-07 21:36:20 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2019-10-06 01:10:29 +0200 commented answer LattE problem: Executable 'count' not found on PATH.

I'm using Manjaro Linux and I don't remember exactly how I installed it. Probably using a package manager like Octopi or something. Perhaps I should ask this in the distro's forum? I thought it might be a sage problem because the counting command works well for small multiples of the polytope, the Ehrhart quasipolynomial command works and so on, but as you say it's probably a bad installation on my side.

2019-10-04 21:55:55 +0200 commented answer LattE problem: Executable 'count' not found on PATH.

I'm pretty sure it's installed. I actually worked around this issue by computing the Ehrhart quasipolynomial of the polytopes I am working with normaliz. Doesn't this require to have latte_int installed? The package that appears to be installed is "latte_integrale", which I assume is the same?

In any case, this query yields make: *** No rule to make target 'all-toolchain'. Stop. Any suggestion to deal with this issue? >.< I guess it's worth mentioning that this issue appeared recently. An OS update must have messed something up, I just don't know that.

Thanks for your answer!

2019-10-04 21:04:50 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2019-10-04 21:02:38 +0200 asked a question LattE problem: Executable 'count' not found on PATH.

Hello, I'm doing some polytope computations and the above problem appears as soon as the polytopes become too big. For example, I'm using:

from sage.interfaces.latte import *
p=Polyhedron(vertices=[(1/2,0),(0,1/3),(1,1)], backend='normaliz')
FeatureNotPresentError                    Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-ca4453575b9a> in <module>()
----> 1 q.integral_points_count()

/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/geometry/polyhedron/base_QQ.pyc in integral_points_count(self, verbose, use_Hrepresentation, explicit_enumeration_threshold, preprocess, **kwds)
    216                 cdd=True,
    217                 verbose=verbose,
--> 218                 **kwds)

/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/interfaces/latte.pyc in count(arg, ehrhart_polynomial, multivariate_generating_function, raw_output, verbose, **kwds)
    112     """
    113     # Check that LattE is present
--> 114     Latte().require()
    116     args = ['latte-count']

/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sage/features/__init__.pyc in require(self)
    156         presence = self.is_present()
    157         if not presence:

  --> 158             raise FeatureNotPresentError(self, presence.reason, presence.resolution)
        160     def __repr__(self):
FeatureNotPresentError: LattE is not available.
Executable 'count' not found on PATH.
To install latte-count you can try to run 'sage -i latte_int'.
Further installation instructions might be available at [DELETED LINK].

Any help to resolve the issue would be greatly appreaciated!