2024-07-20 23:01:55 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2024-04-14 20:40:33 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2024-03-05 21:11:37 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2024-01-15 13:13:30 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2023-04-06 04:13:57 +0100 | commented answer | numerial_integral for a function having two variables There is really a bug in numerical_approximation. Try this example included in the docs: sage: f(x,a) = 1/(a+x^2) sage: |
2023-03-01 18:33:21 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2023-03-01 18:33:21 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2023-01-22 17:32:57 +0100 | commented answer | Converting a list of list of strings to list of list of numbers Another one: [[RDF(j) for j in i.split()] for i in flatten(L)] |
2023-01-04 13:48:58 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Answer (source) |
2023-01-04 10:04:15 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2023-01-04 01:43:51 +0100 | edited answer | highlighting specific regions in a plot To complement the answer by @achrzesz, let us point out two additional approaches to fill exactly the region between the |
2023-01-04 01:42:47 +0100 | edited answer | highlighting specific regions in a plot To complement the answer by @achrzesz, let us point out two additional approaches to fill exactly the region between the |
2023-01-04 01:41:24 +0100 | answered a question | highlighting specific regions in a plot To complement the answer by @achrzesz, let us point out two additional approaches to fill exactly the region between the |
2022-12-22 00:12:25 +0100 | answered a question | how to evaluate a constructed expression You can use function to define the functions you wish. For example, sage: hexp = "g(x)=" + "x**3" sage: func, value = h |
2022-12-16 00:04:26 +0100 | commented question | I can't open SageMath Jupyer Notebook on Mac because Safari can't connect to the localhost server Well, that's good news, since at least you have a workaround and can continue working with SageMath and Jupyter. Is the |
2022-12-15 03:55:23 +0100 | commented question | I can't open SageMath Jupyer Notebook on Mac because Safari can't connect to the localhost server When you installed SageMath.app, did you also install Recommended_9_7.pkg? If so, try to open Jupyter from a console. To |
2022-12-15 01:24:44 +0100 | commented question | I can't open SageMath Jupyer Notebook on Mac because Safari can't connect to the localhost server When you installed SageMath.app, did you also installed Recommended_9_7.pkg? If so, try to open Jupyter from a console. |
2022-12-13 12:17:27 +0100 | edited answer | How can I get solutions to this inequalities in sage?Or how I have to interpret the outcome Just compare the solutions returned with solution_dict=True and solution_dict=False (which is the default): sage: solve |
2022-12-13 12:10:53 +0100 | answered a question | How can I get solutions to this inequalities in sage?Or how I have to interpret the outcome Just compare the solutions returned with solution_dict=True and solution_dict=False (which is the default): sage: solve |
2022-11-24 03:28:27 +0100 | answered a question | sagemath displays in different lines Try the following examples: expression = r"\displaystyle\int_0^{\pi/4}\tan(x)\,dx =" result = integrate(tan(x), (x,0,pi |
2022-11-20 20:38:14 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Answer (source) |
2022-11-15 23:44:55 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2022-11-15 00:21:40 +0100 | edited answer | Inconsistent/incorrect value of limit involving tan and tanh Let $$ f(x)=\log(\tan g(x)), $$ with $$ g(x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\tanh x. $$ It can be seen that $f$ is a differentiable funct |
2022-11-15 00:16:42 +0100 | edited answer | Inconsistent/incorrect value of limit involving tan and tanh Let $$ f(x)=\log(\tan g(x)), $$ with $$ g(x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\tanh x. $$ It can be seen that $f$ is a differentiable funct |
2022-11-15 00:07:37 +0100 | answered a question | Inconsistent/incorrect value of limit involving tan and tanh Let $$ f(x)=\log(\tan g(x)), $$ with $$ g(x)=\frac{\pi}{2}\tanh x $$ It can be seen that $f$ is a differentiable functi |
2022-11-06 06:19:20 +0100 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2022-10-31 22:10:55 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2022-10-30 16:33:06 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:27:11 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:25:36 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:22:39 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:21:56 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:21:35 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:20:49 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:20:32 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:20:10 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:18:49 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:18:05 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown Note that backslashes in the \\ commands should be doubled so that Markdown can process them correctly. Let us test it u |
2022-10-26 03:17:26 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown variables = [var(f"alpha_{i}_{j}", latex_name=fr"\alpha_{{{i} {j}}}" for j in [0..2] for i in [0,1]] table_ |
2022-10-26 03:16:46 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown Now, one can copy the output and paste it in the text box to post or answer a question: $$\begin{array}{l|llllll} f &am |
2022-10-26 03:16:09 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:15:06 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to con |
2022-10-26 03:13:14 +0100 | answered a question | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown \begin{array}{l|llllll} f & {\alpha_{0 0}} & {\alpha_{0 1}} & {\alpha_{0 2}} & {\alpha_{1 0}} & {\al |
2022-10-26 03:10:34 +0100 | answered a question | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown \begin{array}{c} 1 \\ 2 \end{array} |
2022-10-26 02:52:05 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to co |
2022-10-26 02:51:22 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to co |
2022-10-26 02:49:52 +0100 | edited answer | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to co |
2022-10-26 02:49:09 +0100 | answered a question | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown It seems that tabular is not an environment supported by MathJax, as can be seen here. So, a possible solution is to co |
2022-10-26 00:52:12 +0100 | answered a question | Present a LaTeX table in ask.sagemath.org's markdown This is a test: $$ \begin{array}{l|llllll} f & {\alpha_{0,0}} & {\alpha_{0,1}} & {\alpha_{0,2}} & {\alp |
2022-09-15 03:45:46 +0100 | commented answer | Simplifying a simple rational expression with indeterminate exponent Because simplify_full applies, in order, the methods simplify_factorial, simplify_rectform, simplify_trig, simplify_rati |