2024-08-27 08:12:13 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2024-04-06 09:23:44 +0200 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2024-03-18 21:59:42 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2024-03-18 21:59:42 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2024-01-31 23:13:00 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2023-10-08 01:04:33 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2023-10-08 01:04:33 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2022-12-31 12:23:39 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2022-05-11 17:21:46 +0200 | commented answer | Issues with partitioning data Yea I wasn't thinking about there being empty list. So I guess I will have to do an if else statement to get around that |
2022-05-11 08:25:18 +0200 | commented answer | Issues with partitioning data However when I check the average and median by checking an individual index of fn I get the correct number for said inde |
2022-05-11 08:21:21 +0200 | commented answer | Issues with partitioning data So I tried using the first two examples. Both do work when a=100, and b=10. However, when a=1000,and b=10. This is when |
2022-05-11 08:20:51 +0200 | commented answer | Issues with partitioning data So I tried using the first two examples. Both do work when a=100, and b=10. However, when a=1000,and b=10. This is when |
2022-04-30 02:41:39 +0200 | commented question | Issues with partitioning data Here is an error that I get. However, I am getting this error when a = 100, and b = 10. IndexError |
2022-04-30 02:41:21 +0200 | commented question | Issues with partitioning data Here is an error that I get. However, I am getting this error when a = 100, and b = 10. IndexError |
2022-04-30 02:40:27 +0200 | commented question | Issues with partitioning data Here is an error that I get. However, I am getting this error when a = 100, and b = 10. IndexError |
2022-04-30 02:39:44 +0200 | commented question | Issues with partitioning data Here is an error that I get. However, I am getting this error when a = 100, and b = 10. IndexError |
2022-04-30 02:39:20 +0200 | commented question | Issues with partitioning data Here is an error that I get. However, I am getting this error when a = 100, and b = 10. IndexError |
2022-04-27 17:44:51 +0200 | edited question | Issues with partitioning data Issues with partitioning data a = 100 b = 10 p = prime_range(a) for j in range(a/b): fn[j] = [(i,val) for i,val in |
2022-04-27 17:44:00 +0200 | asked a question | Issues with partitioning data Issues with partitioning data a = 100 b = 10 p = prime_range(a) for j in range(a/b): fn[j] = [(i,val) for i,val in |
2021-11-03 15:03:40 +0200 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2021-11-03 15:03:40 +0200 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2021-06-26 16:07:38 +0200 | commented answer | Converting a list of integers into a single integer n will increase by one each iteration. I am not sure how far I will run the program right now I am just in the debug pha |
2021-06-17 04:23:20 +0200 | commented answer | Converting a list of integers into a single integer Thanks. However, sage truncates the value down to 14 digits after trying to multiple to get the sum back down to 3.141.. |
2021-05-27 03:31:50 +0200 | asked a question | Converting a list of integers into a single integer Converting a list of integers into a single integer Hi, So here's what I have to convert an interger into a list of in |
2020-12-16 03:46:18 +0200 | commented question | Questions about zip(*[iter(s)]*n) thanks. all of the posts I saw online about this was ten years back. |
2020-12-15 00:02:33 +0200 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2020-12-15 00:01:49 +0200 | asked a question | Questions about zip(*[iter(s)]*n) Hi, I have been researching on ways to partition a set into equal quantity sub-sets. I came across this code |
2020-11-08 07:12:02 +0200 | asked a question | Combining and sorting multiple enumerated lists Hi, I have a bunch of lists that have been enumerated. I would like to combine them into a single list in the number order of the lists. For example: I have these lists a = [2,8,10], b = [0,3,5], c = [1,4,7], d = [6,9,11] I would like to combine them into one list like this [b,c,a,b,c,b,d,c,a,d,a,d]. However, due to my actual work all enumerated lists are of different lengths. Even a few of them are null sets at this time until I am ready to process a much bigger set. |
2020-11-08 06:53:37 +0200 | commented answer | Plotting in base n? I am referring the program being able to switch to any base to process any calculations. For example, I might want to do all my calculations in base 8, and be able to also have the plots in base 8. |
2020-10-12 15:33:10 +0200 | commented answer | Plotting in base n? I was expecting that this program would be designed to have full support for any bases from base 2 to base 36. I guess maybe a possible add on in future updates? Also looks like the ticks, tick_labels, and tick_format only works on plot function. I tried it on list_plot and got an error. |
2020-10-12 14:11:33 +0200 | received badge | ● Commentator |
2020-10-12 14:11:33 +0200 | commented question | Plotting in base n? So the program isn't designed to actually do any processing in other bases, and the only way is to format the plot to represent the said data as the intended base. |
2020-10-11 00:16:07 +0200 | commented question | Plotting in base n? Say I would like to use list_plot for a list of prime numbers in a base other then base10. |
2020-10-10 15:20:18 +0200 | asked a question | Plotting in base n? In sagemath is there a way to represent plots in bases other then base10? If at all possible being able to plot from base2 to base36. |
2020-05-08 16:33:44 +0200 | commented question | Issues with numpy.linspace() Anyways thanks for the link to the other example. I had to change a few things around. I still needed to have access each individual data for other data analysis. So I used the .tolist() function on the generated arrays. |
2020-05-08 14:50:19 +0200 | commented question | Issues with numpy.linspace() How could there be a lot of syntax errors? I was following a couple of youtube videos on ODE? |
2020-05-08 05:45:23 +0200 | asked a question | Issues with numpy.linspace() The following code: produces the following error: |
2020-04-18 18:49:29 +0200 | commented answer | Txt to CSV conversion Thanks for the input. I thought that the number was going to be too big for memory. |
2020-04-17 03:32:01 +0200 | commented answer | Txt to CSV conversion I would eventually like to create a csv database with a bunch of mathematical constants that are all the way out to the millionth digit. |
2020-04-17 00:51:34 +0200 | answered a question | Txt to CSV conversion First of all I can't call up the full txt. It is Pi to the millionth digit. So I have to call the individual digit, and place each individual digit in it's own cell. |
2020-04-16 07:53:26 +0200 | received badge | ● Student (source) |
2020-04-16 02:21:48 +0200 | asked a question | Txt to CSV conversion I would like to convert mathematical constants in txt format to csv format where each digit is its own entry in the csv file. Here is my code so far, which does not do what I want. |
2020-04-10 02:36:45 +0200 | commented answer | pandas in sage notebook in virtual box? I tried installing pandas, but I get a RuntimeError: Cannot cythonize without Cython installed. How does one install Cython in sage? |
2020-03-26 23:01:17 +0200 | commented answer | From number field to interval field I have been getting bugs from time to time as well. There are times when Sagemath can't even call out digits of pi for me. I have to close out the program, and browser that does fix the issues most of the time, but not all the time. |
2020-03-26 22:46:55 +0200 | commented answer | Scaling images Thanks for the advise. However, when I tried using figsize that also includes the white border around the image. I am not wanting to include that border. Plus I had to use figsize = [9,7] to get close to 800 x 600, and with using a dpi value of 96. This gave me an image of 795 x 595 after cropping out the white border. I might have to live with this setup since both values are really close to the target values. |
2020-03-25 22:59:18 +0200 | asked a question | Scaling images Hi, I am trying to figure out how to create say an 800 x 600 image that will be able to fit different size sheets of paper. Eventually I would like to expand this algorithm to include all the other screen resolutions. However, when Sage generates an image there is the boarder of white. So I have to go in and crop it out with image editing software. This then changes the pixel dimension. I would like to get a ratio of 1:1 between the m x n image and the image generated. I have figured out this ratio when dpi value is at 100, and it turns out that a dpi value of about 172 will get me really close to creating an image of 800 x 600. However, the actual image is roughly 795 x 596, and if I use 173 it turns out to be 801 x 600. I am wondering if someone has already created an algorithm to print a 1:1 scale for screen resolution to printed image? |