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2024-10-05 17:38:40 +0200 edited question Class equation of a group

Class equation of a group Is there any command for getting the class equation of a permutation group in SAGE? Note that

2024-10-05 17:32:59 +0200 commented question Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$

Thank you. It was helpful.

2024-10-05 17:29:53 +0200 asked a question Class equation of a group

Class equation of a group Is there any command for getting the class equation of a permutation group in SAGE?

2024-08-09 11:04:20 +0200 edited question Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$

Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ I am trying to write a code using SAGE to find all subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ where the

2024-08-09 11:04:18 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2024-08-09 11:04:18 +0200 edited question Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$

Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ I am trying to write a code using SAGE to find all subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ where the

2024-08-09 11:03:33 +0200 asked a question Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$

Subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ I am trying to write a code using SAGE to find all subgroups of $\mathbb{Z}^*_n$ where the

2024-04-12 11:11:02 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2024-02-21 05:54:02 +0200 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2023-07-20 18:44:47 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-07-20 18:24:16 +0200 asked a question How to check whether a given group contains a subgroup isomorphic to Quaternion group

How to check whether a given group contains a subgroup isomorphic to Quaternion group I want to check whether a given gr

2023-04-20 16:11:37 +0200 received badge  Supporter (source)
2023-04-20 15:57:22 +0200 commented answer How to get a field extension by adjoining elements

Thanks for your help. What if the base field is something other than $\mathbb{Q}$?

2023-04-20 13:49:29 +0200 asked a question How to get a field extension by adjoining elements

How to get a field extension by adjoining elements Let $\alpha_1,\alpha_2,\ldots,\alpha_n \in \mathbb{R}$. How to define

2021-07-23 07:30:10 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-08-16 12:22:52 +0200 commented answer how to convert .sws files of old legacy notebook to .ipynb format

Thank you. Where can I find an old version of Sage? Will the old legacy notebook work in the old Sage?

2020-08-16 10:34:14 +0200 asked a question how to convert .sws files of old legacy notebook to .ipynb format

I recently switched to SageMath 9.1. I am having problem to upload my old .swsfiles in the new jupyter norebook. Any help will be appreciated. I am new to linux

2020-04-20 17:06:03 +0200 received badge  Popular Question (source)
2020-04-20 17:06:03 +0200 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2018-12-04 08:32:30 +0200 received badge  Nice Question (source)
2018-12-03 15:05:04 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2018-12-03 14:54:28 +0200 asked a question How to get the collection of all functions from X to Y in SageMath

Let X={1,2,…,n} and Y={1,2,…,m}. Is there any way to get the set of all functions from X to Y in SageMath?

2018-12-03 14:54:28 +0200 asked a question How to get the collection of all functions from X to Y in SageMath

Let $X={1,2,…,n}$ and $Y={1,2,…,m}$. Is there any way to get the set of all functions from $X$ to $Y$ in SageMath?