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2014-02-13 06:18:00 +0100 commented question How can i access my Sage Alpha Worksheets?

Hello again! I'm not sure what you are asking. The name of the server was alpha or Sage Alpha. It was the previous version of Sage, ie. the version before the current beta version.:) Before the launch of Sagemath cloud there was link in the front page to the alphaversion below the text 'try Sage online' . The link was on the same spot as now is the link to the betaversion of Sage. I Hope this is not too confusing for you, I don't know how to explain it better. :)

2014-02-03 15:38:17 +0100 commented question How can i access my Sage Alpha Worksheets?

Unfortunately not. I started to use because of the server problems in Beta version. Thanks anyway!

2014-02-03 04:40:16 +0100 asked a question How can i access my Sage Alpha Worksheets?

I used to use Sage Alpha before the launch of Sage Cloud. Now I can neither find my Sage Alpha worksheets anywhere nor how to login to sage Alpha. This is crucial, because all my worksheets I need for my Master's Thesis are in Sage Alpha.

How can I login to Sage Aplha? If that's impossible, how can I access my Sage Alpha worksheets?

Can someone please help me?