2020-04-27 23:39:46 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2020-03-20 17:41:55 +0100 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2019-05-15 17:46:09 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Question (source) |
2019-03-21 21:59:59 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2019-03-21 21:59:59 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2017-07-28 00:44:30 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2017-02-15 16:22:18 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Answer (source) |
2016-12-18 05:00:24 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2016-12-16 21:38:26 +0100 | received badge | ● Necromancer (source) |
2016-12-13 09:09:40 +0100 | answered a question | sage terminal colors FYI, |
2016-09-19 22:47:56 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2016-08-06 16:57:47 +0100 | commented answer | How well print a list of matrices ? Seems to not be possible anymore (in SageMath 7.2) |
2015-12-22 06:20:46 +0100 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2015-12-22 06:20:46 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2015-12-22 06:20:46 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2015-11-15 08:55:29 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2014-12-08 12:39:58 +0100 | received badge | ● Popular Question (source) |
2014-06-29 03:14:42 +0100 | marked best answer | working directory for load/attach QuestionIs there a command to change the current working directory inside sage, so that the load (or attach) command uses that directory as base? BackgroundI have the following file-directory-situtation:
To start the project i call If I now want to run the project from any other directory with A similar problem occours, when you want to call run.sage from the browser-notebook-interface. Is there any possibility to solve this problem (except using absolute paths everywhere (which is clearly not a satisfying solution) or changing the directory structure or using soft-links)? |
2014-02-09 09:33:53 +0100 | asked a question | changing authentication method here on ask.sagemath.org fails Since myopenid [1] is history now, I have to find a different authentication method here on ask.sagemath.org. (I logged in at the end of January, so for a short time I'm able to ask here). The problem is, that "manage login methods" on my profile gives the following error message: Can someone do something against it? PS: I sent a similar message in the middle of January via "give feedback". |
2013-11-01 17:18:01 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Answer (source) |
2013-06-23 14:42:07 +0100 | received badge | ● Taxonomist |
2012-11-28 20:14:06 +0100 | received badge | ● Famous Question (source) |
2012-05-09 16:55:42 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2012-02-26 16:13:39 +0100 | answered a question | Easy (beginner) sum problem:"need a summation variable"? |
2012-01-11 04:23:50 +0100 | received badge | ● Notable Question (source) |
2012-01-04 06:01:09 +0100 | commented question | How to do mul(function, i=1..n); like in Maple? The Problem is the ``range``, which cannot take an symbolic input. E.g. defining ``r(n) = range(n)`` does not work. |
2011-12-21 20:24:48 +0100 | marked best answer | working directory for load/attach You can add the following lines to the top of How it works is that when you run |
2011-12-02 16:38:38 +0100 | received badge | ● Enlightened (source) |
2011-12-02 16:38:38 +0100 | received badge | ● Guru (source) |
2011-11-30 13:50:53 +0100 | received badge | ● Great Answer (source) |
2011-11-30 09:36:57 +0100 | received badge | ● Good Answer (source) |
2011-11-30 08:15:37 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2011-11-30 03:55:00 +0100 | answered a question | Substitute list of expressions The nice solution: |
2011-11-30 03:48:00 +0100 | received badge | ● Editor (source) |
2011-11-30 03:46:06 +0100 | answered a question | Substitute list of expressions The following works (although, there might be a nicer solution): |
2011-11-19 15:49:43 +0100 | commented question | development of a framework for numeral systems The reason I put it here is the following: Here are maybe more people working in numeration than on sage-devel. Some comments of them would help... |
2011-11-19 13:25:07 +0100 | commented question | development of a framework for numeral systems See also [sage-devel](http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel/browse_thread/thread/b72a75c33a61e4da) |
2011-11-19 13:22:37 +0100 | asked a question | development of a framework for numeral systems I plan do build a framework for numeral systems. Below you find some thoughts written down. A draft of the possible class hierachy can also be found there. If you have any comments on those things or anything that should be also included in that framework, then don't hesidate to post them. Daniel Numeral Systems in Sagedraft Goals
Class HierachyExamples (of classes) of numeral systems are written with []. Some Notes on the classesNumeralSystem:
ImaginaryQuadraticBaseNumeralSystem, RealBaseNumeralSystem, ...
2011-11-09 11:24:51 +0100 | commented answer | sage notebook server + ssh tunneling + port forwarding You can also use `nohup` to keep the server running when closing the SSH tunnel. |
2011-11-08 06:38:19 +0100 | commented question | memory increasing when generating lots of hyperelliptic curves (without storing them) The problem appears on my system with 4.7.1, but now with the upgrade to 4.7.2 it seems that the problem is gone. I will run some more tests... |
2011-11-04 14:27:33 +0100 | commented answer | memory increasing when generating lots of hyperelliptic curves (without storing them) Thank you for that, I didn't know. (In my original code, the generation of f and h works different than in the minimal example posted, so I won't need it there, but it's good to know) |
2011-11-04 10:59:41 +0100 | asked a question | memory increasing when generating lots of hyperelliptic curves (without storing them) Executing the code given below (it generates hyperelliptic curves), the used memory increases all the time. Since nothing is stored permanently, this should not happen. How do I avoid it? (It is not really a problem with the example given, but using more loops, it becomes a problem.) Here an example code: |
2011-11-04 09:53:27 +0100 | received badge | ● Nice Answer (source) |
2011-11-04 09:04:13 +0100 | received badge | ● Teacher (source) |