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2015-12-23 15:53:45 +0200 commented answer Plot in a function

Thanks ! If I call several times the function, how can I concatenate the graphics to show them in one graph ?

2015-12-23 15:47:00 +0200 commented question Plot in a function

Sorry, I have edited my post.

2015-12-23 15:46:32 +0200 received badge  Editor (source)
2015-12-23 15:37:31 +0200 commented question Plot in a function

All the code is in the pictures. :(

2015-12-23 13:54:43 +0200 asked a question Plot in a function


Is it normal that i can't plot in a function ?

Without a function:

plot(point([1, 1]))

image description

With a function:

def toto():
    plot(point([1, 1]))

image description

Thanks in advance !

2015-12-21 00:16:21 +0200 received badge  Scholar (source)
2015-12-19 23:23:36 +0200 received badge  Student (source)
2015-12-19 19:14:28 +0200 asked a question Best way to represent a point


I have a point p1(x1, y1) and a point p2(x2, y2). For example I want p1 = 2 * p2 For the moment I store the points in lists so I have to do like: p1[0] = 2 * p2[0] p1[1] = 2 * p2[1] It's very ugly. What's the best way to do that ? Thanks in advance