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tmonteil's profile - activity

2025-01-17 12:42:26 +0100 received badge  Famous Question (source)
2025-01-05 11:19:52 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2025-01-03 16:31:43 +0100 answered a question Solve for integer and real number

You can simply iterate over your list of vectors and search which vector gives a zero cross product with your target vec

2024-12-28 11:28:54 +0100 commented question How do you simplify the following expression in Sage?

You should tell us how you defined f, so that we can replicate the behaviour you obtain.

2024-12-28 11:27:02 +0100 edited question How do you simplify the following expression in Sage?

How do you simplify the following expression in Sage? By differentiating a function at 0, I got the following equation i

2024-12-28 11:24:55 +0100 answered a question PLU factorisation in Sage

Sage relies on Python, hich is object oriented. This means that there is no global LU function, but possibly several LU

2024-08-11 21:47:08 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2024-07-22 15:12:29 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-07-20 22:40:20 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-07-02 21:47:38 +0100 edited answer vertex labels exceed space and intersect with edges

My understanding is that the talk option overrides the color and the size of the vertices (to generate images that can b

2024-07-02 20:56:42 +0100 edited answer vertex labels exceed space and intersect with edges

My understanding is that the talk option overrides the color and the size of the vertices (to generate images that can b

2024-07-02 20:52:47 +0100 answered a question vertex labels exceed space and intersect with edges

My understanding is that the talk option overrides the color and the size of the vertices (to generate images that can b

2024-07-02 13:41:24 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case one would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 13:40:55 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case one would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 13:35:37 +0100 commented question mini-AES inconsistent implementation between v4.5.1 and v10.3

@guillermo : what is the link to the issue ?

2024-07-02 13:04:03 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case you would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 13:02:56 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case you would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 13:02:34 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case you would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 13:01:57 +0100 edited answer get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case you would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-07-02 12:59:40 +0100 answered a question get the coefficients from the polynomial of several variables

To complement @max-alekseyev answer, in case you would like the number of indeterminates to change (since they play a s

2024-06-10 16:03:58 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2024-06-07 21:06:25 +0100 commented question Projection onto subspace given set of LI vectors

This looks like a homework. I guess you mean orthogonal projection (othewise some information is missing). How would you

2024-06-07 21:02:42 +0100 commented question Computing triangulations fails

@fkoechlin is indeed a possible place for end users to report issues. Such questions can be ta

2024-06-07 21:02:33 +0100 commented question Computing triangulations fails

@fkoechlin is indeed a possible place for end users to report issues. Such questions can be ta

2024-06-07 21:02:15 +0100 commented question Computing triangulations fails

@fkoechlin is indeed a possible place for end users to report issues. Such questions can be ta

2024-06-07 21:01:36 +0100 commented question Computing triangulations fails

@fkoechlin is indeed a possible place for end users to report issues. Such questions can be ta

2024-04-23 06:01:03 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2024-04-20 11:53:33 +0100 commented question Jupyter notebook needs javascript

Where does the message comes from ? From the terminal on which you started sage or from the web browser ?

2024-02-15 15:22:47 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2023-11-13 11:00:26 +0100 received badge  Notable Question (source)
2023-10-02 19:37:33 +0100 edited question Pollard method for discrete logarithms (sage code)

Pollard method for discrete logarithms (sage code) I'm trying to run the following Sage code from Introduction to Crypto

2023-08-31 17:50:26 +0100 commented answer checking if element of QQbar is in QQ

This might not work since the containment test for Sage elements does something similar, see the source code at: sage:

2023-08-31 17:49:33 +0100 commented answer checking if element of QQbar is in QQ

This might not work since the containment test for Sage elements does something similar, see the source code at: sage:

2023-08-31 00:37:18 +0100 commented question checking if element of QQbar is in QQ

If x denotes your algebraic number, you can provide a way to reconstruct it by copying the output of: sage: sage_input(

2023-08-31 00:37:09 +0100 commented question checking if element of QQbar is in QQ

If x denotes your algebraic number, you can provide a way to reconstruct it by copying the output of: sage: sage_input(

2023-07-30 02:08:15 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2023-07-04 14:20:59 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2023-06-21 15:39:20 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2023-05-23 19:39:19 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2023-05-19 14:44:52 +0100 received badge  Nice Answer (source)
2023-04-12 20:49:43 +0100 edited question How do I turn on and off line numbers?

How do I turn on and off line numbers? I get the sage prompt, but it has no line number. Example: sage: 4+5 9 sage:%h

2023-04-09 21:37:29 +0100 edited answer Finding representation of a given number as a sum of squares

Partial answer : for a single representation, you can use the sum_of_k_squares function : sage: sum_of_k_squares(3, 123

2023-04-09 21:36:32 +0100 answered a question Finding representation of a given number as a sum of squares

Partial answer : for a single representation, you can use the sum_of_k_squares function : sage: sum_of_k_squares(3, 123

2023-03-27 23:45:43 +0100 commented question Scientific notation matrix

Could you please provide a concrete example of a matrix you want to deal with. The answer might depend on its parent.

2023-03-13 22:38:14 +0100 edited answer How to define function with indexed variables and sum

Would something like the following help ? def f(n): return sum(SR.var('x_{}'.format(k))*SR.var('x_{}'.format(k+1))

2023-03-13 22:37:43 +0100 edited answer How to define function with indexed variables and sum

Would something like the following help ? sage: def f(n): ....: return sum(SR.var('x_{}'.format(k))*SR.var('x_{}'.f

2023-03-13 22:37:31 +0100 answered a question How to define function with indexed variables and sum

Would something like the following help ? sage: def f(n): ....: return sum(SR.var('x_{}'.format(k))SR.var('x_{}'.fo

2023-03-13 13:04:00 +0100 received badge  Good Answer (source)
2023-02-05 09:31:21 +0100 commented question laplace transform sagemaths

Could you please provide the code to construct P, x and A so that we can reproduce your issue ?

2023-02-05 09:24:35 +0100 answered a question Can I change the MPFI default printing style ?

You can print the endpoints of the interval: sage: print(a.endpoints()) (0.000000000000000, 1.00000000000000)