I perform some analytic calculations involving complex number, in particular complex electric field amplitude. I was quite shocked when I discovered how SAGE handles complex variables. So, I define a new variable "A" and explicitly say that it is complex. Then I want to find the absolute value of this variable, which is AA∗=|A|2.
sage: var("A", domain="complex")
sage: A*A.conjugate()
A*conjugate(A) # not bad
sage: _.simplify()
Furthermore we check, if AA=|A|2=AA∗, and it does!
sage: A*A.conjugate() - A*A # Substract squared A from absolute value of A
-A^2 + A*conjugate(A)
sage: _.simplify()
0 # So SAGE assumes that they are equal
But this is obviously WRONG, since if I assign some number to A, then the last test does not results in zero:
sage: A=3+4*i
sage: A*A.conjugate() - A*A
-24*I + 32 # It's not ZERO anymore!
Am I understanding/doing something wrong?