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Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic?

Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic for curves

IsIsomorphic(C, D) : Crv, Crv -> BoolElt,MapSch

Given irreducible curves C and D this function returns true is C and D are isomorphic over their common base field. If so, it also returns a scheme map giving an isomorphism between them. The curves C and D must be reduced. Currently the function requires that the curves are not both genus 0 nor both genus 1 unless the base field is finite.

or IsIsomorphic for hyperelliptic curves?

IsIsomorphic(C1, C2) : CrvHyp, CrvHyp -> BoolElt, MapIsoSch

SetVerbose("CrvHypIso", n):         Maximum: 3

This function returns true if and only if the hyperelliptic curves C1 and C2 are isomorphic over their common base field. If the curves are isomorphic, an isomorphism is returned.

Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic?

Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic for curves

IsIsomorphic(C, D) : Crv, Crv -> BoolElt,MapSch

Given irreducible curves C and D this function returns true is C and D are isomorphic over their common base field. If so, it also returns a scheme map giving an isomorphism between them. The curves C and D must be reduced. Currently the function requires that the curves are not both genus 0 nor both genus 1 unless the base field is finite.

or IsIsomorphic for hyperelliptic curves?curves?

IsIsomorphic(C1, C2) : CrvHyp, CrvHyp -> BoolElt, MapIsoSch

SetVerbose("CrvHypIso", n):         Maximum: 3

This function returns true if and only if the hyperelliptic curves C1 and C2 are isomorphic over their common base field. If the curves are isomorphic, an isomorphism is returned.

Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic?

Does sage Sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic for curves

IsIsomorphic(C, D) : Crv, Crv -> BoolElt,MapSch

Given irreducible curves C and D this function returns true is C and D are isomorphic over their common base field. If so, it also returns a scheme map giving an isomorphism between them. The curves C and D must be reduced. Currently the function requires that the curves are not both genus 0 nor both genus 1 unless the base field is finite.

or IsIsomorphic for hyperelliptic curves?

IsIsomorphic(C1, C2) : CrvHyp, CrvHyp -> BoolElt, MapIsoSch

SetVerbose("CrvHypIso", n):         Maximum: 3

This function returns true if and only if the hyperelliptic curves C1 and C2 are isomorphic over their common base field. If the curves are isomorphic, an isomorphism is returned.

click to hide/show revision 4

Does sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic?

Does Sage have analog of magma function IsIsomorphic for curves

IsIsomorphic(C, D) : Crv, Crv -> BoolElt,MapSch

Given irreducible curves C and D this function returns true is C and D are isomorphic over their common base field. If so, it also returns a scheme map giving an isomorphism between them. The curves C and D must be reduced. Currently the function requires that the curves are not both genus 0 nor both genus 1 unless the base field is finite.

or IsIsomorphic for hyperelliptic curves?

IsIsomorphic(C1, C2) : CrvHyp, CrvHyp -> BoolElt, MapIsoSch

SetVerbose("CrvHypIso", n):         Maximum: 3

This function returns true if and only if the hyperelliptic curves C1 and C2 are isomorphic over their common base field. If the curves are isomorphic, an isomorphism is returned.