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asked 12 years ago

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Graph database

I know there is a built-in graph database. So, if I wanted to know the value of many different graph parameters for some small graph, I could just use the database to find them instead of having Sage calculate them. (or, at least in one case, Sage is actually unable to calculate them, e.g., Lovasz number).

But, I would like a similar thing for many of the named graphs built in to Sage. Does anything exist? For example, if you try to calculate the chromatic number of the Higman Sims graph, it will take a very long time or may never finish. But, the value is likely known and it would be sweet if it were just built-in. Similarly, maybe the chromatic number of a complete multipartite graph. That is an obvious calculation but one that could take a very long time in Sage if there are many vertices. For named graphs, whether single graphs or infinite families, such things could be built in. Is such a thing already built in? Or, is any one working on such things?

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

Graph database

I know there is a built-in graph database. So, if I wanted to know the value of many different graph parameters for some small graph, I could just use the database to find them instead of having Sage calculate them. (or, at least in one case, Sage is actually unable to calculate them, e.g., Lovasz number).

But, I would like a similar thing for many of the named graphs built in to Sage. Sage (single graphs and families). Does anything exist? For example, if you try to calculate the chromatic number of the Higman Sims graph, it will take a very long time or may never finish. But, the value is likely known and it would be sweet if it were just built-in. Similarly, maybe the chromatic number of a complete multipartite graph. That is an obvious calculation but one that could take a very long time in Sage if there are many vertices. For named graphs, whether single graphs or infinite families, such things could be built in. Is such a thing already built in? Or, is any one working on such things?