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hurwitz_zeta bug?

The doc (reference/sage/combinat/combinat.html) says:

"hurwitz_zeta(s,x,N) returns the value of the zeta(s,x) to N decimals, where s and x are real."

With Sage 5.0 I get:

hurwitz_zeta(3,1,32) = 1.202056903159594285...
hurwitz_zeta(-3,1,32) -> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

hurwitz_zeta bug?

The doc (reference/sage/combinat/combinat.html) says:

"hurwitz_zeta(s,x,N) returns the value of the zeta(s,x) to N decimals, where s and x are real."

With Sage 5.0 I get:

hurwitz_zeta(3,1,32) = 1.202056903159594285...
hurwitz_zeta(-3,1,32) -> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

hurwitz_zeta bug?

The doc (reference/sage/combinat/combinat.html) says:

"hurwitz_zeta(s,x,N) returns the value of the zeta(s,x) to N decimals, where s and x are real."

With Sage 5.0 I get:

hurwitz_zeta(3,1,32) = 1.202056903159594285...
hurwitz_zeta(-3,1,32) -> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing

hurwitz_zeta bug?

The doc (reference/sage/combinat/combinat.html) says:

"hurwitz_zeta(s,x,N) returns the value of the zeta(s,x) to N decimals, where s and x are real."

With Sage 5.0 I get:

hurwitz_zeta(3,1,32) = 1.202056903159594285...
hurwitz_zeta(-3,1,32) -> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing