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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Output Types in Shell

Does sage use essentially typeless language? If no, is there a way to output type in the shell, preferably always along with the answer. Just like Axiom does it:

(1) -> x := series 'x

   (1)  x
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)
(2) -> (sin x) / (cos x)

            1  3    2  5    17  7    62   9    1382   11      12
   (2)  x + ? x  + ?? x  + ??? x  + ???? x  + ?????? x   + O(x  )
            3      15      315      2835      155925
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)

Output Types in Shell

Does sage use essentially typeless language? If no, is there a way to output type in the shell, preferably always along with the answer. Just like Axiom does it:

(1) -> x := series 'x

   (1)  x
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)
(2) -> (sin x) / (cos x)

            1  3    2  5    17  7    62   9    1382   11      12
   (2)  x + ? x  + ?? x  + ??? x  + ???? x  + ?????? x   + O(x  )
            3      15      315      2835      155925
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)
click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

Output Types in Shell

Does sage use essentially typeless language? If no, is there a way to output type in the shell, preferably always along with the answer. Just like Axiom does it:

(1) -> x := series 'x

   (1)  x
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)
(2) -> (sin x) / (cos x)

            1  3    2  5    17  7    62   9    1382   11      12
   (2)  x + ? x  + ?? x  + ??? x  + ???? x  + ?????? - x  + -- x  + --- x  + ---- x  + ------ x   + O(x  )
            3      15      315      2835      155925
                  Type: UnivariatePuiseuxSeries(Expression(Integer),x,0)

Fore some reason unicode doesn't display here.