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asked 12 years ago

juanpool gravatar image

how to calculate in SAGE the cumulative distribution function of a "stable distribution"?

A stable distribution, defined in wiki, link text is basically defined by, Blockquote

Blockquote> In probability theory, a random variable is said to be stable (or to have a stable distribution) if it has the property that a linear combination of two independent copies of the variable has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters.Blockquote

Blockquote As far as I know, the family of stable distributions is defined by four parameters: mu, c, alpha and beta. I need to generate random numbers according to a given stable distribution, that is, to a given choice of the parameters of the stable distribution family.

How can it be done in SAGE? Is there some "statistical package" which provides this?

Best regards.

click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

how to calculate in SAGE the cumulative distribution function of a "stable distribution"?

A stable distribution, defined in wiki, link textwiki is basically defined by, Blockquoteby,

Blockquote> In probability theory, a random variable is said to be stable (or to have a stable distribution) if it has the property that a linear combination of two independent copies of the variable has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters.Blockquoteparameters.

Blockquote As far as I know, the family of stable stable distributions is defined by four four parameters: mu, c, alpha and beta. I I need to generate random numbers numbers according to a given stable stable distribution, that is, to a given given choice of the parameters of the stable stable distribution family.

How can it be done in SAGE? Is there some "statistical package" which provides this?

Best regards.

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

how to calculate in SAGE the cumulative distribution function of a "stable distribution"?

A stable distribution, defined in wiki is basically defined by,

In probability theory, a random variable is said to be stable (or to have a stable distribution) if it has the property that a linear combination of two independent copies of the variable has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters.

As far as I know, the family of stable distributions is defined by four parameters: mu, c, alpha and beta. I need to generate random numbers according to a given stable distribution, that is, to a given choice of the parameters of the stable distribution family.

How can it be done in SAGE? Is there some "statistical package" which provides this?

Best regards.