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compile a symbolic function and use it in cython

I have written code to create plots of Newton fractals. Cython was key, pure python was way too slow.

But I'd like to create an interact: write the polynomial and watch the fractal. The problem is the user should enter the polynomial in a text box as a symbolic expression, then I should send that to cython and the cython code should do the rest, calling that function when necessary.

I've managed to do so: I create a fast_callable on the expression, and pass the output of fast_callable to cython, but it is very slow. Unfortunately, I cannot make the different data types for complex numbers match, and there might be something else.

Maybe you can think of a different approach...

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updated 12 years ago

Jason Grout gravatar image

compile a symbolic function and use it in cython

I have written code to create plots of Newton fractals. Cython was key, pure python was way too slow.

But I'd like to create an interact: write the polynomial and watch the fractal. The problem is the user should enter the polynomial in a text box as a symbolic expression, then I should send that to cython and the cython code should do the rest, calling that function when necessary.

I've managed to do so: I create a fast_callable on the expression, and pass the output of fast_callable to cython, but it is very slow. Unfortunately, I cannot make the different data types for complex numbers match, and there might be something else.

Maybe you can think of a different approach...