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initial version

Support for python 3? (yes, I've read the FAQ)

According to Sage's FAQ:

"Until SciPy is ported to run with Python 3.x and Cython supports Python 3.x, Sage will continue to use Python 2.x"

Scipy has been ported to Python 3.x, and Cython already works with Python 3.x. Are there any plans to port Sage to Python 3.x?

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

Support for python 3? (yes, I've read the FAQ)

According to Sage's FAQ:

"Until SciPy is ported to run with Python 3.x and Cython supports Python 3.x, Sage will continue to use Python 2.x"

Scipy has been ported to Python 3.x, and Cython already works with Python 3.x. Are there any plans to port Sage to Python 3.x?