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Example of matrices satisfying certain matrix equation

How to solve the following two system of matrix equations:

A2B+ABA+BA2=0 and B2A+BAB+AB2=0 simultaneously for non-singular matrix AMn(Z) and for some nilpotent matrix BMn(Z).

I am trying to find some examples for some n=2,3,4,, but could not write a sage code for this that gives an example.

Example of matrices satisfying certain matrix equation

How to solve the following two system of matrix equations:

A2B+ABA+BA2=0 and B2A+BAB+AB2=0 simultaneously for non-singular matrix AMn(Z) and for some nilpotent matrix $B\in M_n(\mathbb{Z})$.M_n(\mathbb{Z})suchthatB^2=0$.

I am trying to find some examples for some n=2,3,4,, but could not write a sage code for this that gives an example.