I'm trying to install the Macaulay experimental package but I can't get sage to talk to the internet. I know I want to install macaulay2-1.1-r7221.p0.spkg
sage: sage.misc.package.experimental_packages() Using SAGE Server http://www.sagemath.org//packages http://www.sagemath.org//packages/experimental/list --> /opt/sage-4.6.1-linux-64bit-ubuntu_10.04.1_lts-x86_64-Linux/tmp/list [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/opt/sage-4.6.1-linux-64bit-ubuntu_10.04.1_lts-x86_64-Linux/tmp/list'
Error contacting http://www.sagemath.org//packages/experimental/list. Try using an alternative server. For example, from the bash prompt try typing
export SAGE_SERVER=http://sage.scipy.org/sage/
then try again.
experimental package list (shown above) appears to be currently not available or corrupted (network error?).
([], [])
SO, I did what the error message suggested and it didn't do anything. It appears that the program is pointing to the wrong url (there is an extra slash appearing!). How do I fix this?