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Converting Polynomials to equations

I'm trying to convert polynomials in mod 2 to equations to solve the system of equations. But when I try to convert them they keep evaluating to False and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

R = PolynomialRing(Integers(2), 'b0_1_1, b0_1_2, b0_2_1, b0_2_2, b1_1_1, b1_1_2, b1_2_1, b1_2_2') b0_1_1, b0_1_2, b0_2_1, b0_2_2, b1_1_1, b1_1_2, b1_2_1, b1_2_2 = R.gens()

poly1 = b0_1_2 + b1_1_1 + b1_2_1 poly2 = b0_1_1 + b0_1_2 + b1_1_2 + b1_2_2 + 1 poly3 = b0_2_2 + b1_1_1 poly4 = b0_2_1 + b0_2_2 + b1_1_2

equations = [poly == 0 for poly in [poly1, poly2, poly3, poly4]]

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 0 years ago

dan_fulea gravatar image

Converting Polynomials to equations

I'm trying to convert polynomials in mod 2 to equations to solve the system of equations. But when I try to convert them they keep evaluating to False and I don't know what I am doing wrong.

R = PolynomialRing(Integers(2), 'b0_1_1, b0_1_2, b0_2_1, b0_2_2, b1_1_1, b1_1_2, b1_2_1, b1_2_2')
b0_1_1, b0_1_2, b0_2_1, b0_2_2, b1_1_1, b1_1_2, b1_2_1, b1_2_2 = R.gens()


poly1 = b0_1_2 + b1_1_1 + b1_2_1 poly2 = b0_1_1 + b0_1_2 + b1_1_2 + b1_2_2 + 1 poly3 = b0_2_2 + b1_1_1 poly4 = b0_2_1 + b0_2_2 + b1_1_2


equations = [poly == 0 for poly in [poly1, poly2, poly3, poly4]]
