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initial version

Install of Sage 10.4 freezes my computer

Please note that my Linux build froze while building Sage 10.4

My machine is reasonably powerful, and shows 12 CPU.

During the build it occasionally showing 100% on all CPUs and SENSORS would register some heat issues, but usually continued.

The final error I got was from:

from /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4_failed/sage/logs/pkgs/scipy-1.12.0.log


[spkg-install] [1033/1610] Compiling C++ object scipy/spatial/

[spkg-install] [1034/1610] Generating 'scipy/spatial/'

[spkg-install] warning: /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/scipy/spatial/_ckdtree.pyx:1627:5: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.

click to hide/show revision 2

Install of Sage 10.4 freezes my computer

Please note that my Linux build froze while building Sage 10.4

My machine is reasonably powerful, and shows 12 CPU.

During the build it occasionally showing 100% on all CPUs and SENSORS would register some heat issues, but usually continued.

The final error I got was from:

from /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4_failed/sage/logs/pkgs/scipy-1.12.0.log



[spkg-install] # #[spkg-install] [1033/1610] Compiling C++ object scipy/spatial/

[spkg-install] scipy/spatial/ #[spkg-install] [1034/1610] Generating 'scipy/spatial/'

[spkg-install] 'scipy/spatial/' #[spkg-install] warning: /mnt/extra_data/Sage/Sage_10_4/sage/local/var/lib/sage/venv-python3.10/var/tmp/sage/build/scipy-1.12.0/src/scipy/spatial/_ckdtree.pyx:1627:5: Only extern functions can throw C++ exceptions.
