I would like to iterate through elements of a conjugacy classe of the symmetric group. In other words, I'm looking for an algorithm which given a partition p = [p1,...,pk] provides an iterator over permutations with cycle decomposition with lengths given by p. There is one way which uses GAP, but as I have to iterate through conjugacy classes of S(12) it is infinitely slow inside Sage. On the other hand, there is a very efficient way to iteratate through all permutations : there exists a "Gray code" for which two consecutive permutations differ by a swap. Such a method is implemented in cython in sage.combinat.permutation_cython (thanks Tom Boothby).
- Do there exist algorithms for iteration through conjugacy classes of the symmetric group which is as close as possible as a Gray code ?
- Does there exist a better algorithm if we consider permutations of given length (the number k above) ?
- Is there something yet implemented in softwares included in Sage ?
Thanks, Vincent