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Computing triangulations fails

Hello everyone,

I hope this is the correct place to report a possible bug, sorry if I should have reported elsewhere.

I ran into some trouble with a sage function computing triangulations.

To give you an example, the following code does not seem to terminate on my work computer (and it makes Sage crash on my personal computer or on online sage servers due to the lack of ram (4 or 8GB)).

points = [[64374, 1170],[28595,16],[1162, 658], [28874, 3308], [29974, 9436], [30590, 22299], [49434, 11393], [56042, 11982], [42392, 33338], [33404, 64878]];
p = PointConfiguration(points);
p_fine = p.restrict_to_fine_triangulations();
list_triangulations = list(p_fine.triangulations()) #does not seem to terminate in a reasonable amount of time

On my computer, it seems that the iterator p_fine.triangulations() is able to compute the first 1477 triangulations (out of 2002 triangulations), but fails to compute the 1478th. The points are in generic position, in the sense that the points are pairwise distinct and no three points are aligned.

To give you more context, I tested the triangulations() method on many configurations of 10 points coming from the database of order points available on Oswin Aichholzer's website (I do not have enough karma to publish a link). That is how I found several configurations for which the iterator computing fine triangulations seemed to not terminate (or at least take an excessive amount of memory and time).

Best regards,


Computing triangulations fails

Hello everyone,

I hope this is the correct place to report a possible bug, sorry if I should have reported elsewhere.

I ran into some trouble with a sage function computing triangulations.

To give you an example, the following code does not seem to terminate on my work computer (and it makes Sage crash on my personal computer or on online sage servers due to the lack of ram (4 or 8GB)).

points = [[64374, 1170],[28595,16],[1162, 658], [28874, 3308], [29974, 9436], [30590, 22299], [49434, 11393], [56042, 11982], [42392, 33338], [33404, 64878]];
p = PointConfiguration(points);
p_fine = p.restrict_to_fine_triangulations();
list_triangulations = list(p_fine.triangulations()) #does not seem to terminate in a reasonable amount of time

On my computer, it seems that the iterator p_fine.triangulations() is able to compute the first 1477 triangulations (out of 2002 triangulations), but fails to compute the 1478th. The points are in generic position, in the sense that the points are pairwise distinct and no three points are aligned.

To give you more context, I tested the triangulations() method on many configurations of 10 points coming from the database of order points available on Oswin Aichholzer's website (I do not have enough karma to publish a link). That is how I found several configurations for which the iterator computing fine triangulations seemed to not terminate (or at least take an excessive amount of memory and time).

Best regards,
