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How to find linear dependences between rational functions

  • Assume I have a list of multivariable rational functions
  • Assume I know (or Iat least I have good reasons to hope) that there is a linear relation, let say with integer coefficients, between all these rational functions. How can I find it?

For example, let

  • C1=1/x
  • C2=1/(x+y)
  • C3=y/(x*(x+y))

then, it is easy to check that C1-C2-C3=0. However, how to find this relation automatically?

It does not seem that pari lindep can do it (which indeed is quite clear when reading pari doc):



PariError: incorrect type in lindep_Xadic (t_RFRAC)

NB. Any Sagemath solution is welcome, even without using pari!