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What is the standard pickle jar for and how do I update it

I started Trac #9907, which basically consists of a relocation of some general decorators into sage.misc.decorators. However, after applying the patch, the doctest for sage.structure.sage_object.unpickle_all fails. It seems to be because there is a standard pickle jar which still contains the information that the decorators are located in sage.plot.misc.

Is it correct that there is such a pickle jar? In that case, what for, and how do I get about updating it and fixing my patch?

Cheers, Johan

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 10 years ago

FrédéricC gravatar image

What is the standard pickle jar for and how do I update it

I started Trac #9907, which basically consists of a relocation of some general decorators into sage.misc.decorators. However, after applying the patch, the doctest for sage.structure.sage_object.unpickle_all fails. It seems to be because there is a standard pickle jar which still contains the information that the decorators are located in sage.plot.misc.

Is it correct that there is such a pickle jar? In that case, what for, and how do I get about updating it and fixing my patch?

Cheers, Johan