In sagemath, the general orthogonal group over a binary field is defined by
> G = GO(n, GF(2), e)
in which G indicates the n*n binary orthogonal matrices in GF(2).(When n is odd, that is for sure). What I don't get is when n is even. It says that parameter 'e' is relevant only when n is even. The sagemath description for e is:
, and ignored by default; only relevant for finite fields and if the degree is even: a parameter that distinguishes inequivalent invariant forms.
What exactly is the mathematical meaning of e? Simple example gives
> G = GO(4, GF(2), 1)
> G.order() = 72
> H = GO(4, GF(2), -1)
> H.order() = 120
> inter = G.intersection(H)
> inter.order() = 12
Would this mean that the set of all binary orthogonal matrices of size 4 is constructed by the union of G and H(so that they have order 72+120-12 = 180)? More generally, how can i find the whole group of binary orthogonal matrices of size n(n even)?